Setting up in a time of high unemployment (1980s)

In the late 1980s and early 90s, alumnus Saf Asghar was working in Germany. He led on the set-up of a Design Centre for Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) in Dresden.

During this time, Saf was a Senior Fellow at AMD – one of just four with this role out of an employee population of around 14,000.

Saf was given the responsibility of setting up the AMD Design Centre, an innovative and exciting project for its time, when unemployment was high and labour in abundance.

At the time, the Saxony Government gave AMD a $1B financial incentive to set up a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.

Saf’s responsibilities ranged from implementing infrastructure requirements for High Tech Systems, Design and Tech organisation, to staffing the organisation in collaboration with the University of Dresden. More than 100 engineers reported to Saf, and he was in charge of allocating technical projects that aligned with AMD’s goal of creating a world class group in next generation wired and wireless communications.

Saf spent around 16 years with AMD, and continued his career in America, focusing on areas such as communications and satellites.

The alumnus studied a range of courses at 91桃色视频 including a BSc in Electronic and Electrical Engineering 1976, MBA 1983, MSc Digital Communication Systems 1997, and later returning for a PhD in Electrical Engineering Research, completing in 2002.