
Department of Materials


1 Aug 2018

Congratulations to our 2018 Graduates!

Mats grad pastiche 2018

On Wednesday 18th July, our Materials Graduands, parents and supporters, as well as staff, came together to celebrate the students’ imminent graduation.

Visitors and staff enjoyed a buffet lunch, followed by speeches and presentations conducted by our Head of Department; Professor Gary Critchlow and representatives from a variety of companies and organisations who happily presented students with their prizes:

British Steel Final Year Project Prize: Awarded to the undergraduate student attaining the highest marks for a final year project in Metals.  Presented by Mr Mike Clinch from Innoval Technology Ltd to Adam Crossland 

The Morgan Advanced Materials Undergraduate Award in the Department of Materials: Awarded for the best undergraduate ceramics project. Presented by Mr Mike Clinch from Innoval Technology Ltd to Anastasia Ilina

Ross Menzies Prize:  Awarded to the best student in the final year of a Department of Materials first degree programme.  Presented by Mr Mike Clinch from Innoval Technology Ltd to Ben Sambells

John Goodwin Memorial Prize: For the best group project, normally on the MEng programme.  Presented by Professor Scott Lockyer to Ben Ross Sambells, Anna Denchai, James David Tinkler, Adam Law, Thomas James Collins (photograph below)

Grp prize grad 2018 x 300

George Stevens, pictured top with Mr Bev Page from the Worshipful Company of Tinplate, Alias Wire Workers Livery Company, received two prizes:

Armourers and Brasiers’ Innovative Materials Prize: Awarded to the final year student with the most innovative individual materials project and the Tinplate Workers Design Prize: Awarded to the final year student with the best individual design project 


Armourers and Brasiers’ Industrial Placement Prize: Awarded to the student who has performed best on their Industrial Placement year.  Presented by Mr Mike Clinch from Innoval Technology Ltd to Elizabeth Ann Millar

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (Midlands Group) Susan Panteny Prize for the Best Polymer Project: Awarded to the student producing the best project on a polymer topic for an accredited degree.  Presented by Mr Mike Beeson and Mr Bob Kind to Lucie Denton

School of AACME Enterprise Placement Award: Awarded to the student who has shown the most enterprising initiative beyond the placement brief.  Presented by Professor Gary Critchlow to Mark Harding

Mark Hutchings was also awarded two prizes:

John Goodwin Memorial Prize: Awarded to the undergraduate student attaining the highest marks for a final year project.  Presented by Professor Scott Lockyer

Haydale Composite Solutions Ltd Prize: Awarded to the final year student with the best assignment on polymer composites as judged by EPL Composite Solutions Ltd.  Presented by Mr Gerry Boyce

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Prize:  Awarded to the student achieving best overall performance during the whole period of the undergraduate programme in Materials Engineering. Recipient - Lewis Richards (not present on the day)

Top photograph from left to right; top: Adam Crossland, George Stevens, Ben Sambells, Lucie Denton; bottom: Mark Harding, Mark Hutchings, Liz Millar and Anastasia Ilina

All of the staff from the Department of Materials offer their congratulations to our newest Graduates.  We wish them every success in the future and look forward to hearing about their achievements both inside and outside of engineering!