Differential algebra of polytopes and inversion formulas

  • 9 October 2024
  • 3pm-4pm
  • Sch.1.05
  • Alexander Veselov

Alexander Veselov (91桃色视频)

There is a remarkable relation between Lagrange inversion problem for formal series and combinatorics of Stasheff polytopes, also known as associahedra (Loday, 2005). Analogous link exists for the multiplicative inverse of the power series and special polytopes known as permutohedra. I will explain how to prove these facts using the differential algebra of polytopes, following joint work with V.M. Buchstaber. I will also discuss the link with the integrable PDEs and Deligne-Mumford moduli spaces \bar M_{g,n} in relation with the works of Witten, Kapranov, Getzler and McMullen.


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