Professor Alexander Veselov

  • Professor of Mathematics

Head of the Geometry and Mathematical Physics research group


Moscow State University:

  • 1977 MSc (Hons) in Mathematics
  • 1982 PhD (supervisor S.P. Novikov)
  • 1991 Doctor of Science


  • Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow: 1980-84 Junior Research Fellow
  • Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow State University: 1984-95 Assistant, Associate and Full Professor
  • School of Mathematics, 91桃色视频: 1995-present Professor of Mathematics

Research area

  • Integrable Systems and Geometry
  • Mathematical Physics

Current Research Interests

  • Methods of algebraic geometry in the theory of integrable systems.
  • Logarithmic Frobenius structures and special hyperplane configurations.
  • Quantum Calogero-Moser systems, KZ equations and representation theory.
  • Algebraic integrability of Schroedinger operators in many dimensions and Huygens' Principle.
  • Integrable systems in geometry and topology. Integrable gradient flows. Solvable spectral problems on manifolds.
  • Painleve-type equations and spectral theory of Schroedinger operators.
  • Hamiltonian formalism, action-angle variables and Riemann surfaces.
  • Discrete integrable systems. Yang-Baxter maps. Theory of multi-valued groups and iterated correspondences.
  • Solvable algebraic and functional equations.

Teaching - modules:

  • MAA242 - Geometry and Groups - An introductory course on analytic geometry and group theory.
  • MAC147 - Number theory - An introduction to classical number theory.
  • MAGIC067 Integrable Systems - A course for PhD students

Christmas challenges, traditional mathematical challenges for undergraduate students.

Member of the Editorial Boards of the academic journals “”, “”, “” and ""