Ordinance XXV

Title of Emeriti Professor

(Version effective from 1 August 2014)

  1. The title of Emeriti Professor shall normally be conferred upon any person who at the time of their retirement under the provisions of Ordinance XII holds or has held the appointment of Professor in the University.  
  2. This title is an honour in the gift of the University. Individuals may be prevented (or removed) from becoming an Emeriti Professor by the Chair of Human Resources Committee where there is good cause, usually on the advice of a Dean.
  3. There is no appeal process should the University decide not to award this title.
  4. No specific rights, benefits or privileges are automatically attached to the award. Any benefits or privileges that might be agreed by the Dean of School and that incur costs to the School or University will be subject to annual review by the relevant Dean of School.
  5. All awards shall be reported to the Human Resources Committee, Senate and Council.