Regulation I


(Version effective from 1 August 2022)

1. Access

The following persons are allowed to use the Library:

  1. Members of the University as defined in Section II of the Statutes.
  2. Members of the academic and administrative staff of 91桃色视频 College, the Royal National Institute for the Blind College and any affiliated Colleges or Institutions.
  3. Admission to the Library is open to members of the public aged 18 or above or those accompanied by an appropriate adult e.g. parent, guardian or teacher. Members of the public may be refused admission at the discretion of Library staff e.g. during exam periods or if they are unable to provide proof of age.

2. Conduct

All users are required to behave considerately and to respect the study needs of others. Examples of what is prohibited are published by the Library on its Using the Library webpage

  1. Good order must be maintained in all areas and while moving around the Library. Certain areas within the Library are designated for silent or quiet study.
  2. The marking, defacing and damage of any Library material is strictly forbidden.
  3. Animals other than guide dogs may not be brought into the Library.
  4. All persons entering or leaving the Library must allow, if requested, Library staff to examine all Library materials in their possession and to see the contents of all cases, bags and other receptacles on request.
  5. The consumption of food and drinks is permitted only in designated areas of the Library.  The consumption of alcohol in the Library is prohibited.
  6. Mobile devices used for conversation may be used only in designated areas.
  7. Readers are required to vacate the Library at designated closing times, upon hearing alarm bells, or at other times when asked to do so by Library staff.

3. Borrowing

  1. Items available for loan may be borrowed, within the limits specified for each borrower category, on production of a valid membership card.
  2. All books and pamphlets may be borrowed with the exception of works of reference, items of special value, and material in great demand placed temporarily on reference.
  3. Single issues of periodicals less than 2 years old are not available for loan.
  4. No book or resource material shall be removed from the Library until its loan has been properly issued at the Self-Issue machine or the appropriate Service Desk.
  5. Readers are responsible for all items issued using their cards. This responsibility is not transferable, and ends only when the item has been recorded as returned on the Library system.
  6. A reader is held personally responsible for the safe custody of any material on load to them. They shall be required to pay the cost of replacement of any item which is lost or stolen whilst on loan to them. A reader shall be liable to pay such compensation as may be fixed by the Librarian for any damage or defacement sustained by an item while on loan to them.
  7. Fines will be levied for late return of loaned items, according to a published schedule.
  8. Persons who have incurred fines or other library charges may be refused borrowing facilities until such debts have been settled. Such debts constitute a debt to the University.
  9. Loans of any Library material to other libraries may be allowed at the discretion of the Librarian.
  10. Library material borrowed from other libraries is subject to the conditions imposed by the lending library.
  11. The Librarian is empowered to decline to issue any particular item or items or to restrict their circulation.
  12. Access to Research Degree Theses of this University may be limited by the terms of a moratorium, requiring prior permission for consultation to be obtained.

4. Infringement of regulations 

All Library Users

  1. Penalties according to a scale approved by the Library Leadership Team and published in the Library will apply on failure to return books and other material as required. These will be calculated as hours when the Library is open.
  2. Any reader found to be in breach of these regulations may be deprived of borrowing facilities for a period specified by the Librarian, who may also take further action in accordance with the University’s disciplinary regulations (Ordinance XVII Conduct and Discipline of Students).

5. Service of notices

Any notice will be sent to the reader’s 91桃色视频 email address, except in the case of external readers. Failure to receive such notice will not invalidate any subsequent proceedings.

6. Legal and licence compliance


The majority of library material is protected by the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 which restricts the volume of copying allowed. The University subscribes to various copyright licences which allow certain additional copying. Library users are required to adhere to the copyright guidance issued by the University’s Copyright Advisors; available on the Copyright Guidance web pages; on guidance displayed adjacent to the photocopiers in the Library; and to guidance displayed on certain categories of library material.

Data protection

Under the provisions of the Data Protection Act the University is a Registered Data User. All information which relates to an identifiable individual and is held in machine-readable form by, or on behalf of, the Library, is registered as being held for the purpose of Library administration. Such information, unless it is held for the specific purpose of public access (e.g. in the catalogue of Library stock), is normally private to that individual and may not be divulged by Library staff to any third party.

IT Acceptable Use Policy

Readers using computers in the Library are reminded that they are required to abide by the IT Acceptable Use Policy.

(remade March 2011)