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Icon of two hands holding in the shape of a heart, text reading 'Before you bin it, give it!' and 'Give 'N' Go'. In the background is a pattern of icons including earth, sun, flowers, trees and a recycling symbol.

Calling all postgraduates students: Donate your unwanted items with Give ‘n’ Go

As many postgraduate students are coming to the end of their academic year, you may be starting to pack your belongings for your journey home. Instead of throwing items away you no longer want or need, you can donate them to the University’s Give ‘n’ Go scheme.

This initiative, run by the Sustainability team, gives students living in halls of residence the chance to give away their unwanted belongings and support a worthy cause.

The team has collaborated with multiple charities and not-for-profit organisations including British Heart Foundation, Better World Books, and Shepshed Food Bank who will all benefit from the donations received. Not only does this campaign help support these charities, but it also benefits the environment through reducing waste.

Where and when can you donate?

You will be able to donate items to The Granby and Falkner Eggington Common Room from Monday 2 September to Monday 16 September.

What can you donate?

  • Non-perishable food (unopened cupboard food)
  • Electrical goods (in working order or broken)
  • Books
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Furniture
  • Crockery and kitchen items
  • Pillows, duvets, blankets
  • Stationery
  • Toiletries (unopened)
  • Coat hangers

Please ensure all donated items are boxed or bagged up to make things simpler for collection. If you have something that is not listed above and you want to know whether it can be donated, please email waste@lboro.ac.uk.

When the donation stations close, the team will be working hard behind the scenes, sorting and packing all the donations ready for distribution to partner charities. Should you wish to get involved and volunteer with the campaign or know of any charities that would appreciate donations, please contact waste@lboro.ac.uk.

Find out more information about Give ‘n’ Go.
