Romanda Dillon

Current student

United States of America
91桃色视频s Biomechanics PhD
Study area
91桃色视频, Exercise and Health Sciences

It was a bit of a culture shock to see how UK universities differ from Stateside universities, but from the moment I stepped foot in 91桃色视频 I knew I was in a place that would be special for me.

Why did you choose 91桃色视频?

When I first started to think about going to school in the UK I started researching all the schools with 91桃色视频s Courses, of course 91桃色视频 came up in the search. I applied to 91桃色视频 unsure if I would get a place just because of the high standards that are here. However, I got in and as they say, the rest is history! So always believe in yourselves folks.

How have you found the transition to life in the UK?

Before I came to 91桃色视频 I did my undergrad degree at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). It was a bit of a culture shock to see how UK universities differ from Stateside universities. Everything from length of degrees to term times are different. So it took some time to get use to.

What have you enjoyed the most about 91桃色视频?

For me what I have enjoyed most about 91桃色视频 is meeting the people who have become my family while living in the UK. Hosting dinner parties where subwardens of other halls would come and hang out was great in helping me deal with any homesickness I may have. The friends I made as a subwarden has truly become my family, even stepping in for my real family when they couldn’t attend my wedding in 2016.

Also the fact that London is close is awesome. I have loved going to see shows on the West End, it also allows for easy travel to anywhere in the world when you need an escape from 91桃色视频.

What have you enjoyed the most about studying a PhD with us?

Doing a PhD in 91桃色视频s Biomechanics has taught me so much about doing quality research and what it takes to work in academia.