ࡱ>  Cbjbjaa b~ ` `0  8F[   ڀ܀܀܀܀܀܀$݃\ ^   H"H"H" RڀH" ڀH"H"v"}gb VyJƀ+0[y>!}}8}  H"     !j   [             X L:  Doctoral College Research Culture and Community Fund Application form You are advised to spend effort ensuring that this application reaches the selectors in a form that is clear, well presented and which reflects your intentions and motivation. This fund has been established in direct response to the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) 2011 results and is intended to support and encourage Doctoral Researcher led events and initiatives across the University which contribute to creating a positive research culture and research community at 91ɫƵ. Eligibility and awarding criteria: The fund can be used to support Doctoral Researcher activities or initiatives that enhance the research culture and community within and/or across Schools, or across the wider University. Events that encourage collaboration across Schools and Research Challenges, and which support the creation of an inclusive academic community at 91ɫƵ, are particularly encouraged. Initiatives must be led by Doctoral Researchers. Where applications relate to events (either standalone or a series), these must be open to all interested Doctoral Researchers. Where applications relate to projects or initiatives, these should be led by Doctoral Researchers and should be of direct benefit to the Doctoral Researcher community (through their focus, objectives and what they deliver, or to the skills they will develop for facilitators/leaders), to the pipeline of potential future Doctoral Researchers (e.g. postgraduate taught or finalist undergraduates), or to both. Doctoral Researchers are encouraged to put forward their own novel event proposals. Examples of previous events supported through this fund include: Journal and writing clubs Doctoral Researcher conferences Discussion groups Presentations and seminars Doctoral Researchers who apply for an award must have their Schools support by way of approval from the Associate Dean for Research (ADR). Funding is available up to 1,000 for exceptional applications*, but normally applications will be funded up to 500.Doctoral Researchers will be expected to obtain any additional funding from other sources, and it is hoped that Schools will support their Doctoral Researchers by making a contribution, or providing additional funding, whenever possible. Any Doctoral Researcher whose application may seek funding above 500 is advised to contact the Doctoral College prior to submitting an application to discuss the goals and requirements of their proposed initiative:  HYPERLINK "mailto:doctoralcollege@lboro.ac.uk" doctoralcollege@lboro.ac.uk. Applications will be considered by the Doctoral College comprising a panel of the Programme Director (Researcher Development and Pathways), Research Policy and Researcher Development Manager, Director of Research and Enterprise, and the Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Doctoral College) - on a rolling basis throughout the academic year as they are received. The Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor of the Doctoral College has ultimate responsibility for approving all successful awards. *Exceptional applications will, generally, address more than one element of research culture and/or community; create impact across multiple Schools or on an institution-wide basis; provide specific benefits to minoritized groups. Please complete sections 1-3 before asking your Schools ADR, to complete section 4. 1. Details of event organiser First Name: Surname: Email address: School: 2. Initiative Details Initiative title: Initiative date(s): (If the initiative will run across a period of time, please indicate this) Does your proposed initiative relate to the research culture and community of your School, multiple Schools, or the wider University?  My School / multiple Schools / wider UniversityDoes your proposed initiative involve collaboration with any other groups or networks within the University? Venue for your initiative (where appropriate): Number of Doctoral Researchers involved in its delivery (where appropriate): Who are the proposed audience/participants for this initiative? Anticipated number of participants in the initiative: Initiative costs: Materials () Room booking () Refreshments () Other (please provide details) () Have you applied for funding elsewhere?Yes / NoValue () If yes, where have you applied?  3. In support of your application Please provide up to 300 words describing your initiative. This section should demonstrate how it meets the eligibility and awarding criteria above by outlining the objectives and purpose of your proposed initiative and explaining how it will enhance the research culture and community of the School and /or University.  4. Supporting Statement (for completion by ADR only) On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 what is your level of support for this initiative?Is the School able to offer any financial support for the initiative?Yes / NoValue ()Where relevant, account code to which any award should be paid  Please add any further details which you feel would support the case:  ADRs signature Print Name Date For completion by the Doctoral College only: Decision Yes / NoValue ()Authorised by  Completed forms should be sent to: Doctoral College, Graduate House, Angela Marmont building (doctoralcollege@lboro.ac.uk).     ).7<=BNO   B g u űֱtbtQQCCQh- CJOJQJ^JaJ h8h\CJOJQJ^JaJ#hKB*CJOJQJ^JaJph)h[hQB*CJOJQJ^JaJph&h[hL5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h[hLi5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h[hQ5CJOJQJ\^JaJ h55CJOJQJ\^JaJ hl;v5CJOJQJ\^JaJhjq(mHnHtHujh~UmHnHu=NO D g h +, & Fgd\gd( & Fgd\gduf( & Fgdk0  & Fgd gd\gd\ZgdQ$a$gdQp^pgdl;v@ ^@ gdl;v $ n]a$u  * 1 B D e f g h o 򴴴xbQ hJWh\CJOJQJ^JaJ+h\h\5CJOJQJ^JaJnH tH %h\5CJOJQJ^JaJnH tH +h[h\5CJOJQJ^JaJnH tH 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