Researchers to investigate increase of private tuition

Researchers at 91桃色视频 are encouraging parents and secondary school pupils to take part in a study to investigate the increase of private tuition.

Recent figures show that 26.3% of secondary school students in England and Wales have used private tuition.

The private tuition industry is experiencing strong growth, but this differs across the country with young people in London being much more likely to use this service (43.8%) than their peers in the East Midlands (27.5%) and the North West (13.5%)

Dr Clare Rawdin, a research associate in the University’s School of Social Sciences, is now looking for families in the East Midlands, North West and London regions to give their views on the topic.

She would like to hear from parents and their children in Years 10 to 13 at a state school, to find out: Why some families are turning to tuition, how they fit the tuition into their week and what they think about it.

She is also interested in why some people do not use it, perhaps because they cannot afford it, or because they do not like it.

Clare, who is leading the fieldwork phase of the study, said: “We know that accessing private tuition varies between different types of families. Regional variations matter, but parental income is also important, and take up varies between White, Asian and Black families.

“I want to talk to different families about what tuition means to them and the effect it has on their lives. There are no right or wrong answers, I just want to listen to people’s individual views.”

Professor Sarah Holloway, who is also working on the project, said: “We know private tuition is booming, but we will only be able to understand why if we listen to parents and children.

"Their views will provide an evidence base to inform ongoing debates about the organisation, supply and regulation of private tuition.”

Parents and children who participate in the study – which is funded by the charity The Leverhulme Trust – will each receive a £25 gift voucher.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Clare by emailing or by phoning 07384344216

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