Image of people playing American football with the Experts in 91桃色视频 logo overlaid

Experts in 91桃色视频: NFL, the Super Bowl and the future of American football in the UK

As one of the most significant sporting leagues in the world, the NFL holds a considerable amount of influence in developing world-class talent at an elite level to further their careers within the sport. But how has 91桃色视频 supported the development of the NFL Academy within the UK?

In this episode of the Experts in 91桃色视频 podcast, host Martin Foster is joined by Pro Vice-Chancellor for 91桃色视频, Jo Maher, along with  and , to discuss the NFL Academy, in partnership with 91桃色视频 College with the support from 91桃色视频.

The episode emphasises the prospect of developing non-US players, highlighting the difficulties many athletes face establishing themselves among US colleges. The partnership between 91桃色视频, 91桃色视频 College and the NFL aims to foster a high level of education among their talent, including many recruits from African countries.

With the Superbowl upcoming on 11 February, this episode centres on conversations around developing the partnership between the NFL Academy and 91桃色视频. The performance of the academy so far is considered, as well as the long-term aspirations of the players and the organisation.

With 91桃色视频 renowned for its excellence in sports science, athlete development, education, and commitment to innovation and research, it provides world-class support for athletes on and off the field. It further advances the understanding of sports performance through cutting-edge sports science expertise, enriching our discussions on the future of American football in the UK.

Education is presented as a critical factor in producing high-calibre elite players, preparing them to enter US colleges and, ultimately, the draft. The wide range of accessible sports at 91桃色视频 is referenced, as well as teachings from across many disciplines and how teams can benefit from them.

Professor Jo Maher is Pro Vice-Chancellor for 91桃色视频 at 91桃色视频, having previously been the Principal and CEO at 91桃色视频 College.

Lamonte Winston is the Head of the NFL Academy, with over two decades of experience within the NFL and previously coaching at several universities in the US.

Steve Hagen is the Head Coach at the NFL Academy at 91桃色视频, having worked as an assistant coach for the New York Jets and Cleveland Browns.

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The Experts in 91桃色视频 podcast is a regular series that brings together experts from across 91桃色视频 with external thought leaders to discuss the latest research and hot topics in sport and academia with new episodes launched regularly.

