British Society for Geomorphology Annual Conference 2024

Please see below for the current provisional programme. Please note that all talk and session times, and posters, are subject to change.

Monday 2 September

Tuesday 3 September

  • From 09:30: Registration Desk Opens, Edward Herbert Building Atrium
  • 10:00-11:00: PGR Forum workshop: Getting Funded: Navigating Grant and Fellowship Applications, Edward Herbert Building room EHB110B
  • 11:15-12:15:  Professional Geomorphologists workshop: Life as a Professional Geomorphologist – What do we do? What does a career look like outside of academia? Edward Herbert Building room EHB110B
  • Talk Session 1, Chair: Dr Edwin Baynes. Room EHB110B
    • 13:00 - 13:15: Conference Opening and Welcome
    • 13:15 - 13:30: Jo Nield, New insights into aeolian sediment flux and transport dynamics
    • 13:30-13:35: Natasha Wallum, Surface geochemistry and hydrological controls on 'hot-spots' of dust emission at Etosha Pan, Namibia
    • 13:45-14:00: Jayesh Mukherjee, Development of a dryland river terminus: The Luni River in the Indian Thar Desert
    • 14:00-14:15: Robert Watson, Improving understanding of geomorphological damage and geodiversity loss in armed conflicts
  • 14:15-14:45: Refreshment break
  • Talk Session 2, Chair: Dr Josh Wolstenholme. Room EHB110B 
    • 14:45-15:15: Georgina King, Warwick Medal: Mind the gap! Trapped-charge dating to the rescue!
    • 15:15-15:30: Gemma Harvey, Global diversity and significance of animals shaping the Earth’s surface
    • 15:30-15:45: Lucrecia Alvarez-Barrantes, Modeling the transport and deposition of sediment-microplastics fluxes in a braided river, using the software Delft3D
    • 15:45-16:00: Catherine Russell, Sedimentological Insights into Anthropogenic Materials: A Comprehensive Framework for Improving Contemporary Environmental Assessment
  • 16:00 - 17:30: Poster Session
  • 17:30-19:30: Icebreaker Drinks Reception, Robert Allison Suite, 91桃色视频 Stadium

Wednesday 4 September

  • 08:00-09:00: Refreshments
  • Talk Session 3, Chair: Dr John Hillier. Room EHB110B
    • 09:00-09:30: Anya Leenman, Chorley Medal: Floods on alluvial fans: implications for reworking rates, morphology and fan hazards
    • 09:30-09-45: Peter Downs, Quantifying river channel (in)stability
    • 09:45-10:00: David Whitfield, ‘Pebble Pushing’: Untangling Variabilities in Gravel Bed Stability using In-Situ Resistance Force Tests
    • 10:00-10:15: Janet Richardson, Sediment budgets in the River Derwent: modelling and monitoring
  • 10:15-11:00: Refreshment break
  • Talk Session 4, Chair: Dr Guy Tallentire. Room EHB110B
    • 11:00-11-15: Athena Eftychiou, Sweeting Award: Investigating the impacts of the 2009 Mt Redoubt eruption on the geomorphology and dynamics of Drift River, Cook Inlet, Alaska
    • 11:15-11:30: Lizzie Dingle, Detection of paraglacial sediment supply using detrital 10Be in postglacial landscapes of southwest British Columbia
    • 11:30-11:45: Adam Smith, Discovery of lithospheric drip explains topographic rejuvenation of the Uinta Mountains, USA
    • 11:45-12:00: Bethan Davies, Deplete and Retreat: constraining glacio-hydrological processes and systems across the Andes
    • 12:00-12:15: Guy Paxman, Constraining the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet during past warmer climates: insights from subglacial geomorphology
  • 12:15-14:45: Lunch & Poster Session
  • Cuchlaine King Symposium
    • 14:15-15:00: Sanjeev Gupta, Linton Medal: Talk title to be confirmed
    • 15:00-15:30: Kristen Cook, Himalayan sediment bombs: understanding catastrophic sediment transport events
    • 15:30-16:00: Rebekah Harries, Warm storms drive sediment export from high-elevation Andes
    • 16:00-16:45: Refreshment Break
    • 16:45-17:15: Erin Harvey, The origin and hazard of catastrophic debris flows
    • 17:15-17:45: Andres Payo Garcia, Talk title to be confirmed
    • 17:45-18:15: Frank Eckardt, Talk title to be confirmed
  • 18:45 Conference Dinner

Thursday 5 September

  • 08:30-09:00: Refreshments
  • Talk Session 5, Chair: David Whitfield. Room EHB110B
    • 09:00-09:30: Al Neely, Kirkby Award: Talk title to be confirmed
    • 09:30-09-45: Isabelle Utley, Transformations in Exposure to Debris Flows in Post-Earthquake Sichuan, China
    • 09:45-10:00: Will Norriss, Using analogue experiments to assess the impact of sediment supply and base-level fall rate on knickpoint morphology.
    • 10:00-10:15: Luca Mao, Deciphering the morphology and formation processes of freshwater tufa barrages.
  • 10:15-11:00 Refreshment break
  • Talk Session 6, Dr Matthew Baddock. Room EHB110B
    • 11:00-11-15: Stuart Grieve, Terrestrial Laser Scanning for forest geomorphology
    • 11:15-11:30: Owen James, The Application of Webcams to Create High-Frequency Digital Elevation Models of the Intertidal Zone
    • 11:30-11:45: Stephen Tooth, Using archival visual sources for reconstructing geomorphological changes across the mid Wales coastal uplands: challenges and opportunities
    • 11:45-12:00: Octria Prasojo, Influence of alluvial slope on avulsion in river deltas
    • 12:00-12:15: Lucy Clarke, How do we define academic success amidst a climate and environmental crisis?
  • 12:15-14:45: Lunch & BSG Annual General Meeting
  • Talk Session 7, Dr Tim Marjoribanks. Room EHB110B
    • 14:15-14:30: John Boardman, Removing barriers from our rivers. What are the pros and cons?
    • 14:30-14:45: Joshua Ahmed, The importance of connectivity in sustaining the dynamics of oxbow lakes
    • 14:45:15:00: Lucy Daniels, Let the riverscape grow! Post-restoration wood dynamics in a restored Scottish upland gravel-bed river
    • 15:00-15:15: Richard Mason, Drivers of channel morphology in semi-alluvial boulder-bed rivers and implications for river restoration
  • Conference closes


  • Adam Smith: Discovery of lithospheric drip explains topographic rejuvenation of the Uinta Mountains, USA
  • Andrew Russell: Geomorphological impacts of large woody debris during the 2009 and 2015 floods, River Derwent, Cumbria, UK
  • Annie Dowse: Litter in the Skye: wind blown microplastic transport and deposition on the Isle of Skye
  • Anubhuti Singh: Uncovering Anthropogenic Hydrological Transformations in the Major Indian Peninsula Basin
  • Arushi Jha: Flood Risk Assessment in the Gandak Basin using multi-criteria decision analysis: A hydro-geomorphic approach
  • Arved Schwendel: Spatio-temporal floodplain evolution under the influence of valley constrictions, lateral fan input, and reworking of glacial deposits and implications for upland river restoration.
  • BIKIE GERALD ANICET: Modeling and spatiotemporal monitoring of marine and coastal ecosystems of the Moroccan margin of the Gulf of Cadiz and the Gulf of Guinea a hybrid approach to spaceborne Oceanography and Artificial intelligence
  • Brian Whalley: Geolocating geomorphological landscapes: Acrostic solutions to track landsystem approaches to landform development
  • Cat Hudson: A GIS-based approach to site vegetated buffer strips for erosion control within an agricultural catchment in southern England
  • Catherine Sanders: Geomorphology controls the establishment of and interactions between co-occurring high-priority invasive species.
  • Daniel Goss: Quantifying understorey vegetation dynamics along river corridors using environmental sensing techniques
  • David Milan: Local topographic and texture change around large wood on bars: implications for sediment transfer
  • Edmore Kori: An exploration of the geoheritage of the Soutpansberg range, South Africa
  • Edmund Lea: Quantifying patterns of glacial erosion in Arctic landscapes
  • Elizabeth Orr: ‘Sediment Cascades and Climate Change’ 2024 workshop: Insights into developing an inclusive research community
  • Faith Imhanze: Understanding how reservoirs influence riverine ecosystem: Investigating ecosystem health in a changing climate
  • Freya Muir: Future Coastal Change Predictions Using Satellite-Data-Driven Modelling
  • Hywel Griffiths: Giving Voices to Rivers: Promoting Creative Engagements Through Art-Science Collaborations
  • Isabel Wapenhans: Reconstructing late Cenozoic spatio-temporal patterns of Alpine topographic changes from glacial morphometric signatures and low-temperature thermochronology
  • Isabelle Finlay: Steering through the storm: Dust as a road transport hazard in Arizona.
  • Jamie MacManaway: Monitoring glacier evolution and evaluating glacial lake outburst flood hazard in the Bolivian Andes
  • Jennifer Snell: Controls on the response and recovery of the glacier and proglacial meltwater system to the December 2021 jökulhlaup, Skeiðarárjökull, Iceland.
  • Joanna Bullard: Geomorphological classification of aeolian dust sources in ice-free Greenland
  • Jodie Geldard: Combining high-resolution multibeam swath bathymetry and LiDAR elevation data to map the imprint of the Younger Dryas Lomond Glacier, central Scotland.
  • John Hillier: Ice Flow and Drumlin Asymmetry at Múlajökull glacier, Iceland
  • Joshal Bansal: Mapping Hazard Zones for Snow Avalanches in the Northern Western Himalayas Using Object-Based Image Segmentation
  • Manudeo Singh: ‘Sentinel wetlands’ in drylands: what are they and how can we find them?
  • Martin Coombes: ‘HotRocks’? Biogeomorphological thermal interactions on rocky shores
  • Martin Dawson: The application of machine and deep learning to the identification and mapping of geomorphic and biogeomorphic features from aerial and satellite imagery – a selective review.
  • Matthew Baddock: Integrating field and flume observations of flow over early-stage aeolian bedforms
  • Maxwell Arhin: Ten Years On from Rock Coast Geomorphology. A Global Synthesis. Progress and Future Research Directions in Rock Coast Geomorphology.
  • Mikael Attal: Erosion rates and Holocene sediment storage dynamics inferred from in-situ 14C concentrations in Glen Feshie, Scotland
  • Priyanka Negi: Investigating the Correlations Between SL-Index, Knickpoints, and Concavity Variability within the Dhauli Catchment, Western Himalaya
  • Motamed: The Stones of Darius Palace: A Geoarchaeological Investigation in Susa, Iran
  • Richard Mason: Restoring river-valley connectivity: Early results from UK Stage Zero restoration
  • Robert Houseago: Topographic roughness and flow resistance in rough-bed rivers: flume experiments
  • Robi Routh: Modeling the Effects of Landslide Debris on the Mass Balance of Svínafellsjökull Using COSIPY
  • Rosemary Huck: Quantifying the impact of fire disturbance events on potential dust emissions from partially vegetated dune surfaces in the Namibian Kalahari
  • A. Baternay: Analyzing Slope Asymmetry and Ridge Variability in Martian Craters
  • Singh: Assessing Flood Risk and Morphodynamics of the Ghaghra River, Ganga basin, India
  • Sabyasachi Maiti: Fold inter-limb angle as geomorphic marker of tectonic tilting or equilibryium profile
  • Soumya Kundu: Quantifying Human Impacts on Suspended Sediment Delivery Using Deep Learning Frameworks
  • Stuart Grieve: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for forest geomorphology
  • Thomas Hoseason: Quantifying topographic variability in forested landscapes
  • Timothy Marjoribanks: Flow and wake structure around flexible submerged vegetation patches
  • Ying-Tong Lin: Characterizing sequential earthquake and rainstorm-driven landslides in Taiwan over a 30-year period
  • Yinxue Liu: First global estimation of bankfull river discharge
  • Zareena Khan: Global signatures of life in landscapes: magnitude and coherence of animal geomorphic effects
  • Zidong Yao: Linkage between sediment transport and heavy metals dispersal in catchments affected by legacy mines.