Professor Dani Strickland

BEng (Hons), PhD, FIET, SFHEA

Pronouns: She/her
  • Professor of Electrical Power Engineering

Research groups and centres


Prior to joining 91桃色视频 in May 2017, Dani worked at Aston University for six years, as a lecturer and then senior lecturer. In addition to her academic experience, Dani previously worked in industry for 10 years. This consisted of working at Rolls Royce, as an Engineer and team leader of the Power and Controls Team at what was previously Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Systems Ltd and at Eon as an Engineer.  Her early career included a Daphne Jackson Fellowship at Sheffield University and an RA position at Cambridge University post PhD.

Key positions

  • 2011- 2017: Aston University, (Lecturer and Senior Lecturer)
  • 2004 - 2010: Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Systems Ltd, (Engineer and Team Leader)
  • 2002 - 2004: The University of Sheffield (Research Fellow)
  • 1997 - 2001: Power Technology Centre, Powergen (now Eon)

Qualifications and awards

  • BEng (Hons) Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Heriot-Watt, 1991
  • PhD, Queens College Cambridge, 1995
  • CEng, 1999
  • Fellow of Higher Education (FHEA), 2013
  • Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), 2016
  • Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology(FIET), 2020
  • Senior Members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2022
  • Milken-Motsepe Prize in Green Energy Global Winner, 2024

Research interests

Dani has a wide focus of interest and is currently undertaking research in the following areas:

  • Low-cost production of hydrogen from renewable energy using technology such as a battolyser.
  • Energy storage especially around battery technology in both first and second life systems. Dani is undertaking research into monitoring, life estimation, sorting and grading, battery balancing, optimal charge/discharge strategies and energy management, usage and potential to provide frequency response, synthetic inertia and voltage support.
  • The role of power electronics as it relates to the electricity grid. In particular, Dani is interested in how low-cost power electronics can be used for frequency response to improve security of supply.
  • Monitoring and measurement of useful parameters in power systems including low-cost hardware for measuring power flow in cables through magnetic field detection and energy scavenging to provide power for those measurements.
  • Monitoring and analysis of smart grid interventions such as dynamic network reconfiguration.
  • Dani is part of the  project, an accessible, economic solution to energy access in sub-Saharan Africa that deploys green solar microgrids in communities allowing energy access for all.

Recent grants

  • Innovate UK project with Sunkofa and Shyne: MASBAH
  • 2023 – 2024: Innovate UK with CBI and Tiyeni: Micro Electric Agriculture for Africa: AfTrak
  • 2023 – 2026: EU project with CBI, Hoppecke, CEA, LUMS, Uni Gabes, Sunkofa, Rhyde, H&V: Low-Cost circular, plug and play, off grid Energy for Remote Locations including Hydrogen: LOCEL-H2
  • 2024-2025 : KTP 91桃色视频 and Fibre Technology LTD KTP 22_23 R5 
  • 2024-2026: Innovate UK with CBI, Monbat, Ultima Forma, Inflo and RenewNable Modular energy storage with clean hydrogen (MESCH) 
  • 2024-2026: EMF with Nottingham University: EMZCIC
  • 2024-2032: EPSRC EP/Y035194/1 with Cranfield and Strathclyde: Engineering hydrogen net zero

Current teaching responsibilities

  • WSA026 Electrical Science, Part A
  • WSP038  Energy Storage (MSc)

Current administrative responsibilities

  • IET Power Academy representative
  • EnerHy CDT
  • D Rogers, D Gladwin, D Stone, D Strickland, M Foster, “The Largest Lithium Titanate Battery in Europe (Willenhall Energy Storage System), IET Engineering and Technology Review, 2017
  • M A Varnosfaderani, D Strickland, “Online Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Estimation of a Solar Panel “, Elsevier, Vacuum 2017
  • X Bai; Y Mavrocostanti; D Strickland; C Harrap; “Distribution network reconfiguration validation with uncertain loads – network configuration determination and application”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Year: 2016, Volume: 10, Issue: 12, P: 2852 – 2860
  • Mukherjee, N.; Strickland, D.; “Control of Cascaded DC-DC Converter Based Hybrid Battery Energy Storage Systems: Part – I: Stability Issue”, Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on  (Volume: PP, Issue: 99 ), Dec 2015
  • Mukherjee, N.; Strickland, D.; “Control of Cascaded DC-DC Converter Based Hybrid Battery Energy Storage Systems – Part II: Lyapunov Approach”, Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on  (Volume: PP, Issue: 99 ), Dec 201
  • Mukherjee, N.; Strickland, D.; “Analysis and Comparative study of Different Converter Modes in Modular Second Life Battery Energy Storage Systems” IEEE Journal of Selected and Emerging Topics in Power Electronics, vol. PP, no. PP., pp 1.1, July 2015
  • Mukherjee, N.; Strickland, D.; "Control of Second Life Hybrid Battery Energy Storage System based on Modular Boost-Multilevel Buck Converter," IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics, vol. 62, no.02, pp. 1034 – 1046, February 2015.
  • Mukherjee, N.; Strickland, D.; “Adaptive Control of Hybrid Battery Energy Systems under Capacity Fade” Journal of European Power Electronics (EPE) and Drives, vol.25 pp. 04, 2015. (invited paper from European Power Electronics Conference EPE’14-ECCE Europe)
  • Jin Yang, Xuefeng Bai, Dani Strickland, Lee Jenkins, Andrew M. Cross, “Dynamic Network Rating for Low Carbon Distribution Network Operation – a UK Application”, IEEE Trans Smart Grid, Jan 2015, p. 988-998
  • D. Strickland, L. Chittock, D Stone, M Foster, B Price “Estimation of Transportation Battery Second Life for use in Electricity Grid Systems”, IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, 2014

External collaborators (universities)

  • Newcastle, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Southampton, 91桃色视频, Warwick, Nottingham, Birmingham, Imperial, University College London, Cambridge, Oxford, Cardiff, Strathclyde, Cranfield, LUMS, University Gabes 

External collaborators (industry)

  • Encraft, Cenex, Costain, Wolverhampton Council, Solihull Council, UKPN, NAVARINO Electric Systems, WPD, EA Technology, e2e, ECA, G&P, Renault, TML, ABB, Portastor, Altairnano, Toshiba, Converter Technology, Fibretech, CBI, Hoppecke, CEA, Rhyde, Hollingsworth and Vose, Monbat, UltimaForma, Inflo, RenewNable, Tiyeni 

External roles and appointments

  • Vice Chairman of the  working group for standard P1459 (Standard Definitions for the Measurement of Electric Power Quantities Under Sinusoidal, Nonsinusoidal, Balanced, or Unbalanced Conditions ) and IEEE 120 (Master Test Guide for Electrical Measurements in Power Circuits)