Dr Sijung Hu


Pronouns: He/him
  • Reader in Biomedical Engineering
  • Photonics Engineering and Health Technology Research Group Lead


After being awarded a PhD at 91桃色视频 in 2000, Sijung was invited to join Kalibrant Ltd as a Senior Scientist and Project Leader for research and development in vitro diagnostics. Sijung joined the Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering, 91桃色视频 as a Research Fellow in 2002, and Senior Research Fellow and Leader of the Photonics Engineering & Health Technology Research Group in 2006, with the creation of two innovative research platforms.

  • Opto-physiological Monitoring (OPM) is to study how light interacts within biological tissue, where the optical properties of the latter reflect the mechanical, physical and biochemical functions of the living organism. Consolidating optics/Tissue optics, electronics and algorithms into biomedical electronic systems, at component and systems levels, together with a team approach to problem solving to allow for a clear and rapid progression from fundamental research ideas to engineering realisation. OPM,  an emerging optoelectronic sensing technology, has been spun out as an independent business named , and Sijung is the Chief Scientific Officer. 
  • Dynamic Detection of Upper Breathing Airflow Pressure and Acoustic Sound (DA2SD) aims to research how effectively detect dynamic changes of upper breathing airflow pressure and acoustic sound, and simultaneously determine speaking or nonspeaking breathing patterns which are closely interrelated with bio-informatic or biometric messages. A hybrid electronic configuration to comprehensively detect human breathing profiles (with or without speech) and acoustic vibrations (speech when present) is the core of biomedical engineering to deliver innovative technology. DA2SD, as hybrid sensing technology for COPD, and speaking impairment, has been filed as a patent and working closely with multidiscipline experts across academics (James Fleming) and . 


Reader in Biomedical Engineering, Leader of Photonics Engineering and Health Technology Research Group, 91桃色视频, UK, 11/2017- date
Biomedical engineering research initiatives and strategies for OPM and DA2SD; PhD research supervision, Health technology innovation and commercialisation; Coordination and collaboration with healthcare partners across academics and industrials and national and international.

Senior Research Fellow, Leader for Photonics Engineering and Health Technology Research Group, 91桃色视频, UK, 09/2006-2017
Research in photonics-based non-invasive physiological monitoring, i.e., pulse rate variability analysis; non-invasive venous oximetry (Venox), in-line pulmonary drug assessment; imaging oxygen saturation mapping (OxiMap); Health technology exploitation with two spin-outs, i.e. Dialog Devices and VariDose. 

Chief Scientist/Project Leader, Kalibrant Ltd, UK, 01/1999 - 04/2002
Research and development of in vitro diagnostic technology for various multiplex fluorescence detection systems and point-of-care testing (POCT) instruments; organisation of technology seminars; promotion of R&D outcomes to customers.

Research Scientist, Colt International Limited, UK. 02/1994 - 02/1995
Gas chromatography and spectrophotometry for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) analysis; Development of rapid thermal desorption device for VOC screening.


Visiting professor, invited consultant, PhD examiner

  • Independent Assessor and Internal Examiner for PhD students, 91桃色视频, 2015, 2016.
  • New generation Opto-Electronic Patch Sensor (OEPS): CareLight has highlighted 91桃色视频 Universities' innovative opto-physiological interaction research in , 2015.
  • Nomination of the translation research award for Wearable opto-physiological sensor based patch sensor research work in BiOS SPIE 2014.
  • Opto-physiological modelling (OPM) was highlighted as a milestone in Pulse Oximetry worldwide by Drexel University 2008.
  • LU imaging photoplethysmography was appreciated in Future Emergency Care
  • Chair and internal examiner of PhD Examination Board, 91桃色视频, 2013, 2016, 2020
  • Visiting Professorship of Biomedical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009 – current. Research capacity: 17 of the top 20 universities worldwide and 53 of the top 100. Roles: Biophotonics Research and Innovation.
  • Invited PhD Examiner, one of the key members of the International Exam Board, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 05/2012. Roles: interview with PhD researchers through their thesis.
  • Invited Consultant for regional High Education Institutions (HEIs) collaboration with Chinese HEIs, 2007-2008, Role: Generated UK East Midland China Strategic Plan 2007—2012.
  • Invited Coordinator, Department of Health (DoH International), British Government, 2005-2007, Shanghai International Medical Zone. Role: Coordination of British Health Technology Innovation & joint research activities.
  • Invited Senior Consultant, Shanghai Pudong Association for Science and Technology (SPAST) 2004 –current. Top 400 multinational enterprises in Science Zone. Roles: Science and Technology Collaboration with overseas partners.

Conference chair and coordinator

  • Chair of International Conference for Advanced Manufacturing for Multifunctional Miniaturised Devices (ICAM3D Conference, 91桃色视频) 3rd – 4th June 2015.
  • Chair of Medical and Biomedical Imaging Section, The 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI’08), Sanya, China, 05/2008.
  • Chair and Co-ordinator of International Biomedical Engineering Workshop, UK-China Science Network, 91桃色视频, 06/2006.

Invited keynotes

  • “Realtime and anytime opto-physiological monitoring”, SPIE OPIC 2023, Yokohama Japan, 19th – 21st April 2023.
  • “Communication by Breathing for Individuals with Speech Disabilities”, 7th Int’l Electronic Conf Sensor App ((ECSA-7, online), 15-30 Nov 2020.
  • Opto-physiological modelling to drive an effective physiological monitoring: from contact to noncontact, from point to imaging”, Huawei Future Device Technologies, Helsinki, Finland, Webinar 17th Sep 2020
  • "An applicable approach for extracting human heart rate and oxygen saturation during physical movements using a multi-wavelength illumination optoelectronic sensor system," BiOS Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco, USA, 19 February 2018
  • "A multiplexed electronic architecture for opto-electronic patch sensor to effectively monitor heart rate and oxygen saturation," BiOS Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco, USA February 2018
  • "A novel multi-wavelength procedure for blood pressure estimation using opto-physiological sensor at peripheral arteries and capillaries", BiOS Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco, USA 19 February 2018
  • “A novel multiwavelength procedure for blood pressure estimation using PPG sensor at peripheral artery and capillaries”, I Forum Nazionale delle Misure, XXXIV Congresso Nazionale di Misure Elettriche ed Elettroniche, 419 – 420, 14 -16th Sep 2017.
  • “A new engineering approach to reveal correlation of physiological change and spontaneous expression from video images”, BiOS, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2015
  • “A dynamic opto-physiological model to effectively interpret retinal microvascular circulation”, BiOS, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2015.
  • “An scalable engineering approach to improve performance of a miniaturized optical detection system for in vitro point-of-care testing”, BiOS, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2015.
  • “Enhancement of absorption and resistance of motion utilizing a multi-channel opto-electronic sensor to effectively monitor physiological signs during sport exercise” BiOS, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2015
  • “A high-performance biometric signal and imaging processing method to reveal blood perfusion towards 3D oxygen saturation mapping”, BiOS Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco, USA 4th Feb 2014.
  • "Recent Advances in non-contact Opto-physiological monitoring techniques for human metrics" in 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics and Biostatistics (Biometrics-2013), Chicago, USA June 2013.
  • in vivo and in vitro Point-of-care Testing instrumentation”, The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and Shanghai University on 23rd and 28th July 2012, separately.
  • “Electrically conductive adhesive enable to manufacture high performance patch probe for non-invasive physiological assessment”, International Conference in Advanced Manufacturing for Multifunctional Miniaturised Device (M6), Huazhoung University of Science Technology, Wuhan, China, 21st and 22nd May 2012.
  •  Detection of physiological changes after exercise via a remote opto-physiological imaging system”, BiOS Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco, USA 21-26th Jan. 2011.
  • A study of opto-physiological modeling to quantify tissue absorbance in imaging photoplethysmography”, IEEE EMBC 32, Buenos Areas, Argentina, 2010.
  • “Development of effective photoplethysmographic measurement techniques: from contact to non-contact and from point to imaging”, IEEE EMBC 31, Minneapolis, USA, 2009.
  • “A remote approach to measure blood perfusion from human face”, BiOS, Photonics West, San Jose California, USA 2009.
  • “Development of a Remote Photoplethysmographic Technique for Human Biometrics”, BiOS, Photonics West, San Jose California, USA 2009.
  • “Feasibility study of imaging Photoplethysmography”, International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI’08), Sanya, China 05/2008.
  • Photonics Engineering and Health Technology Today and Tomorrow”, UK Mission to New Zealand, Health Innovation, Auckland, New Zealand, 3rd April 2008.
  • “Remote simultaneous dual wavelength imaging photoplethysmography: a further step towards 3-D mapping of skin blood microcirculation”, BiOS, Photonics West, San Jose California, USA 2008.
  • Development and Application of Forthcoming Photoplethysmographic Platform”, International Biomedical Engineering Workshop, UK-China Science Network, 91桃色视频, 6-9th June 2006.
  • Biophotonics Engineering and Innovation”, Optoelectronic Industry and International Forum on Intellectual Property 2005 in Shanghai, China.


Invited keynotes

  • “Wearable Opto-electronic Sensor for 91桃色视频 Science, Challenges of commercialisation”, MedPack 2017, Innovation Centre, Trinity Centre, Cambridge, 18th May, 2017
  • in vivo and in vitro Point-of-care Testing Research”, 3rd Research Conference at School of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering, 91桃色视频, 16th-17th April 2014
  • in-vivo and in-vitro Point-of-care Testing instrumentation, principle, functionality, systems, manufacturing”, The University of Sheffield, 1st March 2012.
  • “Effective photoplethysmographic measurement techniques”, UKIERI Workshop on Mobile communications to improve monitoring of heart disease and diabetes, 91桃色视频, 7th July 2010
  • 91桃色视频 Opto-physiological Monitoring”, Applied Optics Seminars, The University of Nottingham, 22 April 2009.
  • “Comparison of pulse interval in contact and non-contact photoplethysmography” ESC Division Research, IEEE, 91桃色视频 2005.

Industry activities

  • 2021 – present, Chief Scientific Officer, Carelight Limited, UK, to lead opto-physiological monitoring (OPM) technology research and development towards domestic and clinical applications.
  • 1999 - 2002 Senior Scientist /projector leader, Kalibrant Limited. in Vitro diagnostic (IVD) instrumentation development specialising in multi-wavelength fluorescence detection system coupling CCD, optical fibre, various laser sources.
  • 1994 - 1995 Research scientist, Colt International Limited, Thermal Desorption system and auto-control for ultra trace analysis with GC and spectrophotometer for air pollution abatement including volatile organic compounds (VOC) monitoring.
  • 1982 -1992 Research Scientist and engineer, Test Centre of Chemical Fibre, Ministry of Textile Industrial, China. Substantial International Standards (ISO) drafting and modification for chemical and biochemical products analysis utilising HPLC, Spectrophotometer, ICP-MS etc. and also biosensor and instrumentation development.

Invited and principal reviewer

  • Scientific Reports - Nature
  • Annals Biomed Eng
  • Applied Optics
  • EURASIP J Adv Signal Processing
  • IEEE Trans Biomed Eng
  • IEEE Trans Biomed Circuit System
  • J Biomed Optic
  • J Biomedical Imaging
  • Applied Spectroscopy
  • J Optics A: Pure Applied Optics
  • J Biophotonics
  • J Clin Monitor Comput
  • J Healthcare Eng
  • Measurement and Control
  • Med Eng Physics
  • Optical Express
  • Medical Eng Physics
  • J Rehabilitation Research and Development
  • J Med Biolog Eng
  • Physiology Behaviour
  • Frontiers in Physics
  • Sensors; Biosensors
  • Opto-Electronics Review
  • Biomed Optics Express
  • Physiol Measure
  • Biomed Physics Eng Express (BPEX)
  • IEEE Biomed Eng Conf Proc
  • Advisory board member, Recent Patent Material Sci
  • Editorial board member of Austin J Biomed Eng
  • Leading guest editor of in vivo opto-physiological imaging, Frontiers of Physics
  • Guest Editor of Biosensors
  • Editorial board member of Archives of Biochem Eng
  • Editorial board member of MDPI

Proposal reviews

  • EPSRC since 2015
  • NEWFELPRO, Marie Curie FP7 – COFUND, 2014
  • i4i, NIHR, since 2014
  • Heart Research, UK, NET20/10, Sep. 2010.
  • British Council, Establishing Connections, PMI 2 Connect, Feb.2008.

Qualifications and awards


  • Executive Management for Technology Innovation, London Business School, 09/2002-10/2003. Technology Innovation and Exploitation. 
  • PhD of Applied Science, 91桃色视频, 10/1996 – 12/1998, “Development and application of a long wavelength fluorescence detection system in immunoassay”. 
  • MSc Environmental Management, University of Surrey, 10/1993 – 06/1995, Taught Environmental Monitoring courses and research, and dissertation project of “Analysis of VOCs in Atmosphere Using Thermal Desorption and Gas Chromatography”. 

Professional Committee Membership

  • Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (SMIEEE), 2002- present.
  • Senior Member of International Society for Optical Engineering, (SMSPIE), 1998 – present.
  • Fellow of High Education Academia, 2016 – present
  • EPSRC Full College Member 2017 – present


  • Nominated as the translation research award for Wearable opto-physiological sensor-based patch sensor, BiOS SPIE 2014
  • Rank 1 of Top 10 articles published in BioMedLib, 2011, “Development of effective photoplethysmographic measurement techniques: from contact to non-contact and from point to imaging”, Hu, S., Azorin Peris V., Echiadis A., Zheng J., Shi, P., Proc. IEEE EMBC 31, 2009, 1: 6550 - 6553.
  • Health Technology Innovation Award 2007, UK, “Development and Application Non-Invasive Venous Oximetry (Venox)”, Hu, S., Spyt, T., Echiadis, A., Da Vinci Health Technology Network UK.

Research areas and interests

  • Sensing for Physiological Monitoring & Assessment.
  • Signal/imaging Processing.
  • Hybrid Sensing Configuration and Signal processing.
  • Non-contact and Wearable optoelectronic sensor for in vivo
  • Lab-on-a-chip & MEMS for in vitro Diagnosis POCT
  • Optoelectronic Systems for health screening, monitoring, diagnosis, and assessment
  • Health Technology Innovation

Grants and contracts

  • On-site clinical proof of concept for a novel augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technology for speech impairments”, £60k, EPSRC IAA and HEIF - EPG145 P3 1706, S Hu, J Fleming, 05/2022 -12/2022
  • “Wrist Dynamic Opto-physiological model to simulate microvascular circulation towards an improved optoelectronic sensing configuration”, Huawei (UK) Limited, £250k, S Hu, V Dwyer, L Barnett, 09/2020 – 12/2021
  • “Real-time physiological monitoring in next generation eHealth network”, £70k, PhD Research, Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau, 2016 – 2019
  • “Physiological monitoring electronics”, £1k, Visiting Academic project in LU, Shanghai University, 09/2016-08/2017.
  • “Carelight: a novel way to measure vital signs to a high clinical standard as a simple wearable patch sensor”, EPSRC-EPG, S Hu, £11,000 03/2016 – 03/2017.
  • “Functional cotton fabrics with durable sensing ability”, granted by Cotton Cooperation, USA to J Sheng (DMU), S Hu (LU) and C Hunt (NPL, UK). $50,000, 01/2015 – 03/2016, will be followed up with $60,000 until the end of 2017.
  • “Intelligent, adaptable electronics for healthcare and wellbeing mini-CDT”, five PhD Studentships, £200k, CI, 91桃色视频 Graduate School, 10/2014 –10/2018
  • “Imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG) for real-time retinal blood perfusion assessment”, PhD Research, £60k, Majlis Amanah MARA, Malaysia, 01/2014 – 01/2017
  • “Development and testing of commercial prototypes for wearable opto-electronic patch sensor”, £15.145k, PI, Enterprise Project Grant of 91桃色视频, 10/2014 – 07/2015
  • “Opto-physiological measurement”, £90k, PI, Enterprise Project Grant of 91桃色视频, 2013 – 14
  • “Development of Real-time opto-physiological image processing platform”, £5k, PI, LU-EPSRC Pathways to Impact fund, 01/2013 – 03/2013
  • “Opto-physiological measurement”, £64.2k, PI, Enterprise Project Grant of 91桃色视频, 2013 – 14
  • “Micro-Multi-Material Manufacturing to Enable Multifunctional Miniaturised Devices”, £500k, CI, FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IRSES, No 269113 – Acronym: M6, 04/2011 – 12/2015
  • “Opto-physiological imaging: from modelling to engineering solution”, £10k, PI, LU-EPSRC Shaping Capability Fund, 07/2012 – 09/2012, Outcome: Generated a non-contact vascular assessment platform.
  • “Rapid Windscreen Defrosting System for Motor Vehicle”, £50k, PI, Nissan 10/2011 – 01/2012, Outcome: A Technical, Report for Nissan European Research Centre.
  • “Noncontact measurement of aortic compliance”, £100k, CI, NIHR Grant No. II-FS-0109-11005, 05/09- 10/11, Outcome: Ground-breaking Imaging photoplethysmography System with full functionalities to access human vascular status in London Chester Hospital.
  • “Imaging photoplethysmography towards remote physiological assessment”, £50k, PI, Joint PhD, 91桃色视频 and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Scholarship Award. 11/2009-12/2011, Outcomes: PhD completion within 24 months with three top leading journal papers.
  • “Optical Turbidity Measurement for Existing Assays”, £60k, PI, Shanghai Upper Bio-Tech Pharma “02/2009-02/2010, Outcomes: Three Technical Reports.
  • “Design and Testing of a Photoplethysmographic Probe for Monitoring Large Arterial Compliance in Critical Care Patients”, £3k, CI, MRC No: G0502256/77947, 03/2009-08/2009, Outcomes: Provided four reflection photoplethysmographic probes for clinical trials and led i4i NHIR fund bidding.
  • “Venous Oximetry” and “Imaging Photoplethysmography”, £60,693, PI, East Midland Innovation Fellowship, HIRF 361, HIRF 461, 09/2007 – 04/2009, Outcomes: Commercial exploitation of Venous Oximetry (Venox); Imaging of Local Blood Oxygenation, (WO 2009/030934 A3), 12 March 2009.
  • “Non-contact reflection photoplethysmography towards effective human physiological monitoring”, £35k, 91桃色视频 and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Joint PhD Scholarship Award, 12/2007-07/2009, Outcomes: PhD completion within 24 months with five leading academic journal papers, four peer review conference proceeding papers, and the best poster in Photons 2008.
  • “International Conference Grant”, £1k, PI, Royal Academy of Engineering, 05/2008, The 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI’08), Sanya, China,.
  • “International Conference Grant”, £1.2k, Royal Society, 01/2008, BiOS, SPIE, 2008, San Jose, USA, Royal Society, Outcomes: Two peer review proceeding papers.
  • “Imaging Photoplethysmography”, £12k, CI, EPSRC Platform: Pioneering new optical techniques, instruments and processes, GR/T25040/01, 05/2006-07/2008, Outcome: One peer review proceeding paper.
  • “International Conference Grant”, £1k, Royal Academy of Engineering, 12/2006, BiOS SPIE, 2007, San Jose, USA, Outcome: One peer review proceeding paper.
  • “Multi-time gating approach, real time medical and biomedical signal and imagine processing”, £6k, PI, 91桃色视频 Enterprise Limited, 07/2006. Outcome: One patent filed.
  • “Pulse rate variability measurement for brain ischaemia and diabetes assessment”, £12k, PI, Royal Society and NSFC Joint project, 2005/R1-JP, 07/2005-08/2007, Outcomes: Joint biomedical engineering Research with singed MOU and agreement, one leading academic journal paper and three peer review conference proceeding papers.
  • “International Biomedical Engineering Workshop, UK-China Science Network”, £20k, PI, Royal Society, JEB/Follow-Up Networks, 06/2006, 91桃色视频, AstraZeneca, DaVinci Health Network, Outcomes: one workshop proceeding consisting 26 contributed papers, 12 keynote speakers (two IEEE Fellows, one Fellow of UN consultant for healthand over 100 attendees of senior clinicians, academic researchers, and industrials.
  • “International Conference Grant”, £2k, Royal Society, 08/2005, IEEE EMBS05, Shanghai, Outcome: One peer review proceeding paper.
  • “Technology Innovation and Management”, Chevening Scholarship £25k, PI, London Business School, 2002-2003, Tech Innovation, Effective presentation, Fund bidding, Business Plan and Strategy, and Finance.
  • “VariDose: Development and Commercialisation for in-line Pulmonary Drug Assessment”, £1.5k PI, EPSRC Business Competition, 10/2002, Outcome: Small Business Competition (2nd round).

Research and supervision

Current PhD supervision 

  • “AI Driven Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)”, Kelvin Simatwo (2023 – present) Sponsored by 91桃色视频
  • “A Study of Effectively Recover Photoplethysmographic Signals during Intensive Exercise for Real-time Physiological Monitoring”, Xiaoyu Zheng (2020 -present), Sponsored by 91桃色视频
  • “Imaging photoplethysmography (iPPG) for real-time retinal blood perfusion assessment”, Harnani Hassan (2019 – present), Joint supervision with Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia.

Completed and awarded PhD

  • “Physiological status monitoring and dynamic risk prediction for operators in extreme environments”, Steve Word (2018- 2023), Sponsored by EPSRC-CTD.
  • “Respiration Interpretation, an Alternative and Effective Voice Communication Solution”, Yasmin Elsahar (2017 – 2021), Sponsored by LU.
  • “A multidisciplinary engineering approach to effectively reveal patho-physiological status”, Dmitry Iakovlev (2014-17), sponsored by 91桃色视频, Principal Supervisor.
  • “Development of Multi-sensor Integration Platform to Support Investigations in Exercise Training”, Samuel Adema, (2014-17), sponsored by 91桃色视频, Co-Supervisor.
  • “Smart miniaturisation and holistic integration of high performance POCT device”, Hannah Robins (2013 – 19), sponsored by 91桃色视频.
  • “A Reflectance Patch Pulse Oximeter for Remote Physiological Monitoring”, Abdullah Alzahrani (2012-16), sponsored by Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau.
  • “High performance illumination for cost-effective imaging pulse oximetry”, Ryan Imms (2010-15), sponsored by 91桃色视频.
  • “Microelectronics architecture for real-time biomedical imaging processing”, Dave Stevens (2008-13), sponsored by 91桃色视频.
  • “Multiscale Modelling of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition”, Tariq Abdulla (2009 -2013), sponsored by 91桃色视频.
  • “Imaging photoplethysmography towards remote physiological assessment”, Yu Sun (2009-11), sponsored by 91桃色视频 and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • “Non-contact reflection photoplethysmography towards effective human physiological monitoring”, Ping Shi (2007–09) sponsored by 91桃色视频 and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • “Opto-physiological modelling for imaging photoplethysmography” Jia Zheng (2006-09), sponsored by 91桃色视频.
  • “Feasibility of Non-contact photoplethysmography”, Peck Yeng Sharon Cheang, (2002-07), sponsored by 91桃色视频.
  • “Opto-physiological modelling of pulse oximetry”, Vince Azorin-Peris (2005-08), sponsored by the EPSRC optical platform grant.
  • “Development and Validation of Venous Oximetry”, Angelos Echiadis (2003-07) sponsored by 91桃色视频.
  • “Dual Optical Detection and Multivariate analysis”, Robert K. Hallam (2000-03), supervised by Prof James Miller, Chemistry Department, 91桃色视频 and Dr Sijung Hu was industrial supervisor for the technical application in Kalibrant Limited, UK.
  • “Polymers in microfluidics”, Louise Barrett (2001-04), supervised by Prof James Miller, 91桃色视频 and Dr Sijung Hu was industrial supervisor for the technical application in Kalibrant Limited, UK

Completed visiting scholar supervision

  • “Physiological monitoring electronics”, Prof Liangwei Yan, Shanghai University, 09/2016-08/2017.
  • “Systematic control for non-invasive peripheral vascular assessment system”, Prof Anhua Dong, Henan Polytechnic University, China (2007).
  • “Postural changes on lower limb blood volume, detected with non-invasive photoplethysmography”, Prof Shangzhi Xin, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China (2005-06).
  • “Pulse rate variability using photoplethysmography”, Prof Yihong Qiu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, 07-09/2004, Royal Society income visiting scholar scheme.

Teaching responsibilities 

  • WSD525/WSP025, Advanced Electronic Engineering Applications, Principles of drivers and signal processing for passive sensor, photo sensor and image processing, and optoelectronic system integration, 2015 – 2022
  • CGB024, Bioengineering Design & make II, EE design & Make project, Opto-physiological monitoring and applications, 2018 – 2022.
  • WS02META Individual Project Supervision, 2022
  • WS50META Individual Project Supervision, 2022
  • WSCD25META - Individual project Supervision, 2022
  • WSD551 - Advanced Individual project Supervision, 2022
  • WSI020 - DPS Industrial Placement Supervision, 2022
  • Internship project supervision for University of Paris-Saclay, 2008 - present

Administrative responsibilities

  • UCAS student interview
  • UCAS student tour
  • Photonics Engineering Research Group 

International – Research collaboration with academics and industrials

  • Opto-electronic sensing device and system (2012 - present), Shanghai University, China 
  • , (2012 - present Fraunhofer-Institut Biomedizinische Technik (IBMT), Germany 
  • , (2011- current), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 
  • , (2009 - current) ACREO, Sweden 
  • In vitro diagnosis Point-of-care Testing with microfluidics, (2009 - present), University of Applied Sciences Kaiserlautern, Germany 
  • , (2009 –present), Université Paris-Saclay 
  • , (2008- present), Philips Health Research 
  • , (2007-present), Moor Instruments 
  • (2006-present): University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 
  • Health Technology Transfer and Innovation (2005 - present): , one of the largest Globe Economic Zones
  • Partnership with the signed MoU (2004 - 2009) and Research Agreements (2006 - present): Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Biomedical engineering ranked 1 in China)

National – Research collaboration with academics and industrials

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) (2019 – present, ACE Centre, UK 
  • Real-time fitness monitoring and assessment (2016 – present), Myzone, UK
  • Optoelectronic sensor and electronics (2016 – present), BPC Electronics LLP (UK) 
  • Rapid Sepsis screening, monitoring and assessment (2016 –present), NHS Birmingham
  • Biomedical Engineering Research (2006 - present), City University, London
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease Diagnosis (2006-present), Queen Marry, The University of London
  • Photonics engineering research prototyping, (2005 - present), Cambridge Consultant Limited
  • Cardiovascular disease screening (2003- present), NHS Leicester