Dr Zhengyu Lin

BSc, MSc, PhD

  • Reader in Power Electronics


Dr Zhengyu Lin joined the Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering at 91桃色视频 in May 2019 and works at the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST). Prior to his current position, he had been with Aston University as a Lecturer for more than 5 years, and with UK industry for more than 6 years. He was a senior researcher with Sharp Laboratory of Europe, and an R&D engineer with Nidec Control Techniques.

Qualifications and Awards

  • 2018 - 2021, EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellowship
  • March 2001 - July 2004, Ph.D., Power Electronics group, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, U.K. 
  • Sep 1998 - Mar 2001, MSc. in Electronic Engineering Department, Zhejiang University, China.
  • Sep 1994 - Aug 1998, BSc. in Electronic Engineering Department, Zhejiang University, China.

Main research interests

  • power electronics
  • renewable energy
  • energy storage
  • machine drives
  • microgrids

Grants and contracts

  • 2021 to 2023, EU H2020 MSCA IF 2019, Grant No. 898194, Power and Information Integration Technologies in Microgrids (PAINTING), 212, 900 Euros, Host Principal Investigator
  • 2021 to 2023, The Royal Society International Exchanges, IEC\NSFC\201174, The operation and control strategy of multi-energy integrated DC microgrids, £12,000, Principal Investigator
  • 2018 to 2022, EPSRC UKRI Innovation Fellowship, EP/S001662/1, Plug-and-play Low Voltage DC Microgrid for Cheap and Clean Energy, £517,364 (FEC £646,705), Key industrial project partners: Nidec Control Techniques, GridEdge, and ARUP, Principal Investigator
  • 2018 to 2021, National Key R&D Program of China, 2017YFE0112400, Plug-and-play Operation Principle and Integration Application of Structured DC-Based Microgrid, 3.95m CNY (~500k Euros), EU partner leader
  • 2018 to 2020, Innovate UK/TSB, TS/R017123/1, Vehicle to Grid Intelligent Control (VIGIL), £ 276,215, Key industrial project partners: Nortech, Bytesnap, co-Investigator
  • 2017 to 2019, The Royal Society International Exchanges, IE161121, Research on Microgrid Optimised and Reliable Operation, £12,000, Principal Investigator
  • 2017 to 2021, EU H2020 MSCA RISE 2016, Grant No. 734796, Research, Demonstration and Commercialization of DC Microgrid Technologies (RDC2MT), total project budgets 436,500 Euros, Coordinator (Principal Investigator)
  • 2015 to 2016, The Royal Society Research Grant, RG140697, Novel power/communication converters network for DC microgrid, £14,000, Principal Investigator
  • 2013 to 2014: Industrial project, Sharp Laboratories of Europe, Power Electronics for Solar Energy Storage System, £39k, Principal Investigator

External roles and appointments

  • Senior member of IEEE
  • Member of IET, Chartered Engineer
  • Fellow of Higher Education Association (HEA), UK
  • Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College
  • Panel Member of EPSRC panel meeting in 2018
  • Member of IET Technical Committee TC2-4 DC Power Systems
  • Member of CIRED working group on DC DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS - WG 2019-1
  • Innovate UK (TSB) funding competitions assessor since 2013
  • Panel member of The British Council Researcher Links & Institutional Links initiative under the Newton Fund since 2014.
  • International conference technical committee members: ICDCM 2015, ICDCM 2017
  • International conference session chairs: ICRERA 2016, ICDCM 2017
  • External Ph.D examiner: University of Strathclyde and Newcastle University