
91桃色视频 Doctoral College

Essential information

Submitting a thesis for examination

The University needs to be notified of your intention to submit for your final examination in good time. Normally this should be three months before your intended submission date.

Following this your supervisors will recommend to the Associate Dean (Research) the examiners for your thesis.

Students who are ready to submit should contact the DCO at p.g.research@mailbox.lboro.ac.uk - you will be sent instructions and an individual OneDrive link to submit your thesis.

You will need to ensure the following:

  • Submitted work for a research degree of the University must be submitted in the form specified by the University Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes and is subject to Ordinance XXXIX.
  • Each student must certify in writing the extent to which the submission is their own work and in each case in which there has been co-operative effort the nature and extent of that effort must be fully specified.
  • The student must certify that neither the submission nor the original work contained therein has been submitted for an award of this or any other degree awarding body, except in accordance with an agreement between universities.
  • Any submission subsequently published must include a statement that it has been submitted for a research degree of the University.

The Certificate of Originality Thesis Access Conditions and Deposit Agreement must be included to meet the above requirements.

You should make sure that you have read and complied with the guidance on third party copyright material in your thesis prior to submitting your work.  

Post-examination: uploading your final thesis to the Research Repository

Once you have received an official letter confirming that you have been awarded your degree, please upload your final thesis and signed Certificate of Originality Thesis Access Conditions and Deposit Agreement to the Research Repository using the e-thesis submission guidance.

Video guidance from the Library.