
91桃色视频 Doctoral College

Essential information

Reporting an incident/serious concern

We realise that reporting an incident can be intimidating. The University's incident reporting tool has been designed to talk you through the process of filing a report and answer any questions that you may have.

The tool allows you to report to the University incidents of: Domestic Violence (including honour based), Bullying and Harassment, Stalking, Hate Incidents (including racism, ableism, ageism, cisgenderism/transphobia, heterosexism/homophobia, racism, sexism etc.), Safeguarding, Sexual Violence, Mental Health and Wellbeing (including self-harm and suicide attempts), Substance Misuse and any other welfare concerns.

Also, the tool provides you with the opportunity to receive further support from Student Services following an incident, or alternatively you can opt to make us aware that something has happened.