Driving and Transport Policy

1. Overview

1.1 Terms of reference

This Policy on Driving and Transport should be adopted by all staff and line managers as appropriate.

A basic requirement for managers to carry out a risk assessment of the tasks at hand and to identify potential dangers concerning driving was identified by the HSE as central to accident reduction.

2. Responsibilities

Dean or Director of Professional Service

Ensure that processes are in place to :-

  • Authorise individuals to drive on University business
  • Perform an initial driving licence check to ensure that they are suitably qualified for the driving tasks in their role
  • Provide assurance that suitable insurance cover is in place for those driving their own vehicle
  • Ensure that the names of those who drive on a regular basis are notified to the Occupational Health Department so that they can be included in routine health surveillance
  • Ensure that suitable training is provided where the tasks demand it.
  • Ensure that there are suitable arrangements in place for the transport of hazardous materials
  • Driving and transport activities are subject to subject to suitable risk assessment.
  • Ensure that a Section 19 permit is carried in the vehicle when students are being conveyed.

The Driver

Ensure that they :-

  • Hold a valid driving licence which is appropriate to the activities being undertaken.
  • Notify any relevant changes to their line manager, and where appropriate to Insurance Support (relevant changes may be – the successful completion of driving tests for further licence categories, the receipt of penalty points and changes in medical status which could affect the ability to drive).
  • Have taken steps to ensure that their eye sight is at least to UK minimum standard for driving and where required use the prescribed eyesight correction every time they drive.
  • Attend appointments for health surveillance if required.
  • Do not take part in racing, pace-making, rally driving or any other competitive event. (With the exception of where the vehicle is specifically designed for such activity and where the activity is authorised by the Dean of School or Director of Professional Service eg Formula student)
  • Do not carry prohibited or hazardous substances unless they have been appropriately trained and have the correct equipment to transport the material safely.
  • Do not undertake towing activities unless they have been trained to do so
  • Have a copy of the Section 19 permit in the vehicle when transporting students

When using their own vehicle on University business drivers should :-

  • Ensure that their own vehicle is suitably maintained, taxed and where appropriate has a valid MOT certificate
  • Ensure that they have suitable insurance arrangements in place for business travel.

Line Manager

The first line manager is responsible for :-

  • Bringing this policy to the attention of their team.
  • Conducting an initial check of a driver’s licence and insurance details.
  • Notifying the Occupational Health Team of any drivers that meet the criteria for health surveillance.
  • Ensuring that risk assessments have been conducted and significant findings and risks recorded.
  • Ensuring that a Section 19 permit is carried in the vehicle when students are being conveyed

Occupational Health

The Occupational Health Team will :-

  • Define the criteria which describes those who should be subject to regular health surveillance.
  • Determine and agree the assessment protocol which is to be used in line with recognised guidelines.
  • Ensure that there are effective systems in place for the delivery of a health surveillance programme.

Insurance Support

Insurance support will ensure that appropriate insurance arrangements are in place for the range of driving activities conducted on University business.

University Health and Safety Service

The University Health and Safety Service will :-


  • Maintain this policy, taking into account developments
  • Periodically audit the arrangements in place to ensure that they align with policy aims.

3. Vehicles/Driving Activity

Work vehicles/driving activities include the following:

  • School or Department owned and hired vehicles and vehicle related specialist machineryboth on and off campus.
  • Privately owned vehicles used on University business.

Driving activity includes:

  • Towing both large and small trailers (This is an a additional aspect for some drivers, requiring additional training. Refer to the hyperlink to check if individuals can tow with their personal driving license; https://www.gov.uk/search?q=towing )
  • Carrying potentially hazardous goods such as chemicals, bottled LPG, oxygen or acetylene

University owned or hired vehicles must NOT be used for:

  • Any social or private purpose or any business purposes other than on behalf of the University.
  • Hire or reward
  • Towing trailers, caravans etc. unless written approval has been obtained and the vehicle has been suitably modified for such use.
  • Racing, pace-making, rally driving or any other competitive event. (With the exception of those vehicle specifically designed for such activity and where the activity is authorised by the Dean of School or Director of Professional Service eg Formula student)

If the vehicle is used in contravention of these conditions, any resulting damage or charges will be the absolute responsibility of the Authorised Driver to whom vehicle has been issued. Such use will also render the employee liable to disciplinary proceedings.

4. Driving License

All drivers, including drivers using their own vehicles on University business are required to have a full driving licence which is valid for the class of vehicle that they are driving and declare any driving restrictions to your line manager, for example: restrictions on the class of vehicle that can be driven or medical restrictions.

When transporting students drivers must have a copy of the section 19 permit in the vehicle.

Under the Transport Act (Amendment) Regulations 2019 all approved drivers are obliged to hold a valid permit when transporting students.

Permits will be left permanently in School cars and vans and are available for collection from the Insurance Office. These must be collected before a journey takes place in a hire car or similar.

University owned or hired vehicles must only be driven by registered drivers. To register as a University driver please visit the Driving Licence Portal within my.HR. You will be required to attach your driving licence and card for checking.

The driver is responsible for informing the Insurance Support team of any changes to their licence as soon as the changes have been affected by DVLA. This includes points being added to the licence, withdrawal of the licence or changes to the class of license held by the driver.

Department administrators are able to check approved drivers list via workspaces named “Approved Drivers”. Please contact insurance.support@lboro.ac.uk if administrator does not have access.

The Government has produced a simple to use website that allows users of vehicles to check the types of vehicles they can drive with their license. Visit; 

The validity of licences can be checked on line through the Government website

5. The Use of Mobile Phones and Other Devices

It i s illegal to hold and use a phone, satellite navigation, tablet, or any device that can send or receive data, while driving or riding a motorcycle on public roads. The same standards are expected on campus roads and when driving on University business.

This means that a device must not be used in the hand for any reason, whether online or offline.For example, drivers must not text, make calls, take photos or videos, or browse the web whilst driving.

Using devices hands-free

It is acceptable to use devices with hands-free access, as long as you do not hold them at any time during usage.

Hands-free access means using, for example:

  • Bluetooth headset
  • voice command
  • dashboard holder or mat
  • windscreen mount
  • built-in sat nav

6. Health Surveillance

The Occupational Health Department will undertake Vocational Driver’s Medical Assessments For the following groups of drivers:

  • Large Good Vehicles (LGV or HGV) and Passenger Carrying Vehicles (PCV). 
  • Drivers required by national legislation to hold licenses for goods vehicles between 3.5 and 7.5 tones (Group C1).
  • Drivers of small passenger-carrying vehicles between 9 and 16 passenger seats (Group D1, usually minibuses).
  • Regular drivers of forklift trucks as per HSE recommendations.
  • Employees who have updated the DVLA of any health changes.
  • Employees who drive clients/ colleagues/students as part of their duties.
  • Employees required to drive University vehicles on campus.

Where health surveillance is a DVLA requirement relevant documentation will be required to demonstrate that the individual is suitably qualified to drive the vehicle.

The line manager of individuals who fall into any of these categories must notify the Occupational Health Department, so that routine surveillance can be arranged.

7. Risk Assessment

A risk assessment should be completed for driving activities. The assessment should consider the driver, the vehicle and the journey.

Further details can be found in Appendix 1

8. Insurance

91桃色视频 insurance covers LU owned vehicles and vehicles hired on University business through University approved suppliers.

All drivers using their own vehicles on University business must have motor insurance which is valid for business use.

Normally Class 1 business use insurance is required to drive a vehicle on University business. Drivers using their own vehicles are expected to have confirmed with their insurance provider that they are properly insured for their business mileage before undertaking their journey.

Drivers should be aware that accidents occurring, and licence endorsements collected whilst they are on university business in line with this policy may impact on their personal motor insurer’s willingness to insure and/or the premium charged.

These should therefore be reported to the driver’s motor insurer to comply with the duty of disclosure.

9. MOT Certification

All vehicles over 3 years old, including privately owned vehicles being used on University business are required to have a current MOT certificate.

It is the responsibility of the University to ensure that a vehicle owned by 91桃色视频, or hired using an approved supplier for use at 91桃色视频, has a current valid MOT certificate. Departments shall keep all copies of the MOT certificates for departmental vehicles in a readily viewable format.

By consenting to use a privately-owned vehicle for use on University Business, the driver of that vehicle is deemed to have checked and confirmed that, where necessary, the vehicle has a current MOT certificate. LU vehicles cannot be driven if no valid MOT or under repair due to a MOT assessment.

10. Vehicle Checks and Maintenance

Drivers using their own vehicles

Drivers in this category are responsible for the roadworthiness of their own vehicles. To help drivers check their roadworthiness, the weekly vehicle checklist in appendix 2 can be used as a guide to check the vehicle’s suitability.

Drivers of hire vehicles

All vehicle responsibilities relating to roadworthiness are retained by the driver. Before using the vehicle the driver is responsible for ensuring basis safety functions are working correctly. The driver may use the checklists in appendix 2 to carry out the necessary checks or go to 

11. Drivers of Departmental Vehicles

Drivers of Departmental Vehicles

Each School/Department is responsible for exercising control over the issuing of keys to authorized drivers and for ensuring that vehicles are roadworthy at all times. Departmental vehicles may be used by many people within the department and there is a potential for the vehicle to be left in an un-roadworthy condition.

Daily checklists should be used by each driver before taking a vehicle on the road. Weekly checklist must also be completed and a paper record retained in the vehicle. The driver is responsible for ensuring that a weekly checklist has been completed within the previous 7 days. If the checklist has not been completed, the driver must conduct the weekly checks personally and sign the checklist record before taking the vehicle.

Faults must be reported to the appropriate person in the department/School, keys must be withdrawn immediately and the vehicles must not be used until all faults are rectified.

12. The Transport of Hazardous Materials

The transport of hazardous materials is prohibited, unless the driver is properly trained in the safe transport of hazardous goods and has the materials or equipment required to transport the goods safely.

13. Driving on the Campus Grounds (infrequent activities)

All University vehicles should be driven with great care on the estate road network. There are some exceptional circumstances where it may be necessary to take a vehicle off the road network and onto some footpath / grounds areas. These circumstances include: 

  • Taking equipment such as gardening plant to the point of use, to minimise the manual handling involved
  • Refresh catering vehicles getting close to building entrances, to deliver a supply of food / drink
  • Delivering building equipment (such as paving slabs) to undertake maintenance tasks

To reduce the risk of vehicles striking pedestrians in these circumstances, all drivers of should consider the following risk reduction measures when they need to take vehicles off the main road network:

  • Review the route to be used – can driving in a pedestrian area be eliminated, or minimised? Be aware that on the campus there are multiple pedestrians, joggers, sometimes listening to music on their headphones, and that they will not be used to encountering vehicles in a pedestrian area.
  • Can a nearby loading bay area be used to off-load your delivery? Try to use a trolley or some other means to transport your load to its point of use wherever possible.

If it is still necessary to drive in a pedestrian area, then drivers should implement the following control measures:

  • Reduce your speed to a walking pace
  • Display the hazard warning lights (or audible warning tone if fitted) to warn others of your presence
  • Avoid reversing wherever possible. Plan your route so that driving in a forward direction is achievable.
  • Use a banksman to reverse if needed.
  • Choose off-peak hours where you can, at quiet times, to drive in these areas
  • Give way to pedestrians – they have priority in pedestrian areas
  • Take great care at all times – do not rush, be aware of others around you at all times

14. Appendix 1 - Risk Assessment

The risks that should be considered as part of a driving risk assessment include:

  • The risk of injury to drivers, passengers, other members of staff, students and the public both on and off campus as a result of a Road Traffic Accident
  • Risks associated with driving and operating specialist vehicles, e.g. machinery hazards, noise, vibration.
  • The risk to drivers getting up unusually early to start a trip or having a long drive home after the end of a late finishing event or a day spent in transit. It is strongly advised that no-one should drive when affected by lack of sleep
  • The risk of driving unfamiliar vehicles or vehicles larger than those that the driver is accustomed to drive
  • The possibility of impairment or deterioration of individual’s physical and mental ability and capacity to deal with traffic/operation of machinery e.g. eyesight, hearing, comprehension, physical wellbeing,
  • Driving under the influence of drugs/medication or alcohol
  • Driving a poorly maintained vehicle

Further guidance on risk assessment can be found here -

15. Appendix 2 - Vehicle Checklists

The Department for Transport estimates that around 600 people are killed in crashes involving vehicle defects every year.

It is a driver's legal responsibility to ensure that the vehicle they are driving is in a road worthy condition.

As an example, the fine for defective tyres is 3 penalty points and a fine up to £1000.

The checklists below have been developed to assist in keeping within the law by ensuring thevehicle is safe.

1. Daily Checklist

At the start of the working day, walk round the vehicle before setting off and check:

  • Tyres appear undamaged and sufficiently inflated. (Correct profile).
  • There is no excessive damage to the vehicle, including windscreen and windows.
  • The windscreen wipers are working and the level of screen wash in the bottle where appropriate.
  • The horn works.
  • The vehicle lights, and indicators all work.
  • The mirrors are set correctly.
  • Any load is secured correctly and does not overhang the vehicle without suitable warning notices.
  • All occupants are wearing seatbelts and head restraints are correctly adjusted where fitted.
  • As soon as it is safe to do so, check that the brakes are working.
  • Any other items specified by your line manager or the vehicle handbook are checked as necessary.

2. Weekly Checklist

The weekly checks should be undertaken and recorded on the vehicle weekly checklist. See Policy for checklist: