Event Safety Policy

1. Policy Statement

91桃色视频 will ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that suitable and sufficient arrangements are in place to ensure that risks posed to the health and safety of anyone working at or attending events held at the University, are appropriately managed and controlled. In that any risks arising from significant hazards related to the activity are identified, quantified and managed so as to control risks to an acceptable level. The University will ensure compliance with all relevant UK health and safety legislation, codes of practice, guidance, standards etc. relating to events, together with University health and safety policies, guidance, local rules, University ordnances and procedures.

2. Key Requirements of the Policy

2.1 In permitting any event to take place on its premises, the University must ensure:

  • That events are run with due regard to relevant legislation with respect to; health and safety (duty of care), the sale and consumption of alcohol and food, the environment, nuisance and the maintenance of public order;
  • That events do not cause unacceptable disruption to the normal business of the University or to the execution of the duties of members of the University;
  • That the reputation of the University is not damaged and that events support, as far as possible, the strategic aims of the University.

2.2 The University requires that:

  • Each event is suitably and sufficiently risk assessed and the risk assessment is checked and signed off by the relevant responsible person. (See section 5; “Risk management of events: key roles and responsibilities”). Risk assessments must be accessible. Identified control measures must be implemented and the key parts of the risk assessment shared with anyone who may be affected, e.g. Security Service where the risk assessment requires a road closure or car park segregation.
  • Where appropriate, an event safety plan should be drawn up, which should include emergency plans e.g. evacuation plans, how to raise the alarm in an emergency, contact details for the Event Organizer / Manager, Security Service etc.

  • An Event Organizer / Manager is identified to control and manage all aspects of the event, including health and safety.

  • Where the risk assessment requires it, an Event Organizer / Manager attends and monitors the whole of each event or is at least contactable during the event.

  • Event Organizers / Managers are suitably trained to fulfill their health and safety responsibilities and have enough experience and sufficient support from senior Managers, to make effective decisions to manage the event.

  • Any event managed by students and/or Hall Committees, is overseen (where applicable), by one, or all of the following; Academic Tutor (if academic activity), Hall Warden, Hall Sub Warden(s), Hall Chair, Social Secretary, all or representatives from, the Hall Committee.

  • Any approvals required from Departments or Support Services, e.g. Catering, Facilities Management, Security Service etc must be obtained in writing, and retained by the Event Organizer / Manager and kept accessible. •

  • Anyone directly involved in the delivery or management of an event will be fully briefed on health and safety procedures, safe systems and plans.

  • Where appropriate, final approval, authorization or permission, for some events, must be sought and provided by the responsible person within the relevant School, Department, Professional Service etc before the event goes ahead.

  • Any external licenses that may be required are in place, e.g. public entertainment, alcohol etc.

  • All contractors must have their current Employers/Public Liability Insurance certificate, their own activity risk assessment, method statement and any other relevant documents checked before they come onto campus. (Please contact the University Health and Safety Service for further advice, guidance etc). This document forms part of 91桃色视频’s health and safety policy Version 11 November 2019 Page 3 of 16

  • Contractors providing services such as scaffolding, inflatable play equipment, other temporary structures (e.g. marquees) etc, must attend the University, and local health and safety inductions, before they start work. (Please contact FM helpdesk, Campus Living (FM) Health and Safety Co-Ordinator and / or University Health and Safety Service for further advice, guidance etc). (Internal contractors e.g. FM, are exempt.)

  • Any accidents or near misses at events must be reported to the University Health and Safety Service in line with University accident and near miss reporting policy using the incident reporting portal.

3. Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to organized events which occur anywhere that is owned, rented by or are otherwise under the direct control of the University. The range of events is huge and includes large or small, “one off”, irregular or regularly recurring events, e.g. Art installations, small barbecues for a few members of staff, Fireworks displays, Careers Fairs, Open days, Graduations, Hall Events organized by a member of the Hall Committee for the benefit of all or part of the Hall (See Note*), School, Departmental or Service social gatherings organized by staff, 91桃色视频s events organized by 91桃色视频s Development Centre (SDC) e.g. LIA, events organized by the LSU, (AU, Rag Office or Student Societies, IMS etc), events organized by an external body which takes place on campus, e.g. The FA, English Rugby, the Youth 91桃色视频 Trust, Charity Half Marathons, Future Cheer, Dance Competitions etc. The policy also encompasses activities associated with events such as the use of Small Unmanned Aircraft (SUA’s / Drones), Lasers and Pyrotechnics

*Note: For the avoidance of doubt;

  • “Hall” includes Halls managed by University partners (e.g. UPP and Unite).

  • A Hall Event will not include activities organized by the 91桃色视频 Students Union (LSU) or Inter Mural 91桃色视频 (IMS) activities. Such events will be organized in compliance with LSU or other SDC regulations).

  • The Hall Events risk management policy (See Appendix 3) takes cognisance of the risk management principles approach as agreed with the University.

  • This policy also applies to events organized by the University held off-campus and whilst certain elements of these events may be under the control of external organizations, the event as a whole will need to be properly risk assessed and managed by the event organizer.

(If in doubt as to whether an event comes under the scope of this policy, contact the University Health and Safety Service (Tel: 222181 or email; hse@lboro.ac.uk)).

4. Key Legislative Requirements

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 applies to all work activities, including events. It requires employers to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees, and anyone else who may be affected by their activities, including non-employees, e.g. visitors, students etc.

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 apply to everyone at work, regardless of the nature of that work. The Regulations require employers to plan, control, organize, monitor and review their work activities. Employers should assess the risks associated with significant hazards presented by the work activity, including events, in order to identify the preventative and precautionary measures necessary to reduce and control these risks. Specific hazards, such as manual handling, must be specifically risk assessed under separate legislation. The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) require that certain types of accidents, specific cases of occupational ill health and certain dangerous occurrences must be reported to the Health and Safety Executive. In certain circumstances this can include injuries sustained by non- employees, e.g. students and other visitors.

Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015

Construction (Design and Management) regulations 2015 (CDM) are about securing the health, safety and welfare of those carrying out construction work and protecting others who the work may affect, from harm. With this principle in mind, this guidance illustrates how CDM roles and duties can be applied to existing common management arrangements and processes. The following link is provided for the HSE’s “” webpages.

Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and suitably trained personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. The University’s first aid risk assessment also takes non-employees into account. This includes students and visitors working on or attending events.

Air Navigation Order 2016

The Air Navigation Order 2016 (as amended) places duties upon operators of SUA/Drones, in order that the health and safety of people is not endangered by their use. It sets out restrictions of the use of such devices placed upon the operator. These include the Civil Aviation Authorities registration and education scheme which came into force after 30 November 2019. (Go the following links for further guidance;

  1. : Link to the Drone Assist” App, “Drone Aware” video and other resources

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of each staff member, student or visitor are set out in the 91桃色视频 Health and Safety Policy.

Duty holders are also required to carry out specific duties in respect of events, as set out below and in local policies. Each duty can be delegated, but the responsibility for achieving them cannot be delegated and remains assigned to the relevant duty holder.

Deans & Heads of Professional Services

  • Where appropriate, give permission (in principle) for the event, approve the event safety plan and risk assessment and give final authorization, (or enable a delegated nominee to do so on their behalf), for events within their remit. The Dean and/or Director of Professional Service must have sight of the event safety plan and risk assessment.
  • Identify and appoint the Event Organizer(s) / Manager(s).
  • Ensure that the Event Organizer(s) / Manager(s) have sufficient support, resources, management supervision and training to fulfill the health and safety responsibilities for the event and has the authority and experience to make decisions regarding the risks associated with the event.

Event Organizer(s)/Manager(s)

  • Ensure events only happen once they have received the appropriate permission or approval.
  • Ensure that an event safety plan and a suitable and sufficient risk assessment have been drawn up and suitable control measures are in place and the risk assessment has been signed off by a responsible person. (Records must be maintained in the Event safety file).
  • Ensure the risk assessment is reviewed regularly and any other related documents are kept for a minimum of five years after the event. Where an incident involves a person under the age of 16 or exposure to something which can cause serious illness etc over a longer period, e.g. Asbestos, records must be kept for 40 years. (For further details regarding record keeping, contact the University Health and Safety Service).
  • Organize and liaise pre-event planning meetings with any other Departments, Services and other interested parties etc who are in any way involved in, or are impacted upon, by the event.
  • Attend any identified health and safety training on managing health and safety at events. (e.g. Event risk assessment training).
  • Ensure that appropriate people are aware of the event risk assessments, safety plans and control measures and that health and safety training, any necessary notifications and briefings required take place before the event starts.
  • Select a suitable contractor. Satisfy yourself that the contractor you choose can do the job safely and without risks to health. This means making enquiries about the competence of the contractor; do they have the right combination of skills, experience and knowledge? The degree of competence required will depend on the work being done. Similarly, the level of enquiries made should be determined by the level of risks and the complexity of the job.
  • Where they exist, only approved Suppliers / Contractors must be used. (Please contact r University Health & Safety Service for further advice).
  • Ensure that risk assessments, method statements, Employers / Public Liability insurance certificates and any other documentation is obtained from Contractors and that it is checked by the Event Organizer / Manager and / or the University Health and Safety Service, before the event starts. (Records must be maintained in the Event safety file and made available on request).
  • Where appropriate, personally attend (or nominate a delegate to attend) the whole of an event. Some low risk events may only require that the Event Organizer / Manager is contactable throughout events.
  • Any accidents or near misses at events must be reported to the University Health and Safety Service in line with University accident and near miss reporting policy using the .
  • Carry out a post-event review / de-brief, in order to share lessons learned from the event and ensure relevant staff are aware of any matters arising.

University Health & Safety Manager & Deputy Manager

  • Support all those with responsibilities and duties in connection with this policy.
  • Offer advice and guidance, provide training and support to Event Organizers / Managers. e.g. scrutinize event safety plans, risk assessments etc.
  • Support event managers to check risk assessments, method statements or any other documentation obtained from external Contractors.
  • Share information and best practice across campus on health and safety issues raised by Event Organizers and Managers. Particularly those others involved in event management.

Approval of Events

Before an event goes ahead, the Deans, Heads of Professional Services, Hall Wardens or their delegated nominees should ensure that:

  • where necessary the necessary approval or any required permissions have been provided in writing to the relevant Event Organizer / Manager, and that;
  • Risk assessments are suitable and sufficient,
  • Any necessary licenses have been applied for and are in date,
  • Any notifications and event safety plans are in place, and,
  • If external contractors are used, that the required safety documents have been checked and are satisfactory, e.g. proof of competence, risk assessments, method statements etc. and inductions have been undertaken. (Records must be maintained in the event safety file).

Third Party Caterers - Events Involving Catering

  • On-site catering services will normally be provided by Refresh Delivered Catering, unless prior approval has been obtained to use an external 3rd party caterer. Only in exceptional circumstances and with a valid reason, should the use of a third party be considered. If any catering is required, contact Refresh Delivered Catering in the first instance on 01509 222666 or deliveredservice@lboro.ac.uk who will assist and offer any advice needed with regard to catering requirements.
  • Those events which are organized by the Student Union and/or Hall Committees, where the budget is not linked to the University financially and are therefore of more reputational risk, Catering Services will issue food safety guidelines to event organizers for them to follow when operating within University premises and to provide support such as checking relevant food safety documents with 2 week’s notice.
  • Procurement of 3rd party caterers is not subject to adherence to an approved or preferred suppliers list. The University will not promote external companies above in house services, whether that be Campus Services or Imago (CSI). The process should be:
    • Customer’s contact and explain their catering requirements to CSI who then propose a solution.
    • If the proposed solution is unacceptable to the customer, then the customer needs to provide a detailed explanation as to why it is not. CSI should review the explanation and determine if the customer’s objections cannot be overcome by CSI. The customer should be advised that they are at liberty to seek an external service provider but that the external service provider must comply with the University Food Policy document and also complete the Food Safety Questionnaire to the satisfaction of Campus Services.
    • Once these conditions have been met and other statutory obligations fulfilled (e.g. registration with the local authority) then the LU member of staff should provide Purchase Order.
  • If it is necessary, and after approval, to use a third party then the Food Safety Questionnaire for 3rd Party Caterers must be completed, this should be obtained from and returned to deliveredservice@lboro.ac.uk prior to any agreement being made with the supplier or any orders being placed.

The Catering Management Team reserve the right to inspect the premises of any third party. However, if unsatisfactory responses are given in the questionnaire or full documentation requested therein is not received, the third party will not be given permission to trade with the University. Please note that Campus Services Catering will engage preferred partners as per these guidelines in the event that we are unable to provide a specific service requirement.


  • A number of University facilities, most notably sporting facilities, are hired by external organizations for use in events involving children or vulnerable adults. In such cases the University has no control over, and assumes no liability for, the conduct of individuals from these organizations. However, the University wishes to ensure that safeguarding risks are mitigated as far as possible for such external events.
  • In organizing any event the University and the external organization will comply with the University Events Safety Policy.
  • All external organizations requesting the use of University facilities for activities involving children or vulnerable adults will be asked to sign a declaration confirming that they have obtained appropriate checks on their staff and volunteers before they are permitted to use University facilities. 



Any person who enters into a contract, who, for a fixed price, undertakes to procure the performance of works, or the furnishing of goods or services, whether for the public or a company or individual.


Any formal or informal gathering on or off-campus intended or all or specified staff, students or visitors where attendance has been co-ordinated in advance by an Event Organizer / Manager acting in that capacity.