Gas Installation Policy

Jonathan Cripps

Duty Authorised Person for Gas

Policy Statement

91桃色视频 take the management of gas safety very seriously, we accept our responsibility as an employer, University and landlord and expect all in-house gas engineers and contractors to work to the highest of standards and adopt the current best practice models of operation across our portfolio of properties.

In turn we also require internal processes to be managed competently across the University stock. With this in mind 91桃色视频 has produced the Policy for the management of gas installations, which highlights processes to comply with when managing gas related work and documentation.

The policy is designed to provide unambiguous guidance on how the University should manage all gas safety related functions. The intention of this document is to enable 91桃色视频 to fulfil their obligations under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 as well as to maintain minimum standards of safety and quality across the gas related operations.

Within the gas industry, standards and technology change very quickly, therefore for this document to remain up to date it must be reviewed at regular intervals. To fall in line with best practice methods the document is version controlled and will be reviewed every three years by the 91桃色视频 Facilities Management team, or more frequently where there has been a change in legislation or industry guidance. Readers should always ensure that the latest standards and guidance are used when working with gas installations.

What is covered by this policy?

This policy applies to all workplace activities relating to the installation, commissioning, modification and operational use of natural gas service systems.

Occasionally research, development and design activities take place on the campus. In such cases, these activities, if formally ratified by the Health and Safety executive, will fall outside the scope of this policy. Such activities must be carried out under independent risk assessment by competent people.

Hazards Associated with Gas Installations

There are essentially two major hazards associated with gas services.

  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
  • Risk of explosion and fire

Carbon Monoxide poisoning is by far the biggest killer. It is a colourless, odourless gas that has approximately the same specific density as air. It is toxic in extremely low concentrations. Concentrations of CO in air at 0.01% by volume will cause a headache within 2-3 hours. Concentrations as low as 0.04% by volume present a risk to life after 2-3 hours exposure. 1.28% concentration will result in death within 2-3 minutes. Carbon Monoxide is produced when gas fails to burn correctly.

Natural gas is essentially Methane with a few additives that are designed to improve efficiency and enable detection by the human sense of smell. In its natural state it is colourless and odour less. This additive aids the location of leaks. The gas has an explosive range of 5% to 15% by concentration in air. There are many examples of gas explosions that have occurred in recent years.

Roles and Responsibilities

Corporate Governance

Governance structure for management of H&S within 91桃色视频 - Definitions of Nominated Staff

Duty Holder: Chief Operating Officer (senior responsible person)

The Chief Operating Officer (COO) is the Statutory Duty Holder and, as the senior person responsible, has overall accountability for all aspects of the management of health and safety in the University organisation.

Designated Person: Director or Dean

A person appointed by 91桃色视频 who has managerial authority and responsibility for the control of health and safety legislation within their area.

Auditor/Verifier of Authorised Persons

An individual or company with the required knowledge, training and experience with necessary independence from local management to undertake independent audits within the organisation and propose remedial action. This individual will also assess the suitability and appointment of Authorised Persons, once proposed by the Duty Authorised Person.

Duty Authorised Person

A person, either employed by the University or another organisation, with the required knowledge, training and experience, appointed by the Designated Person in writing, to take managerial responsibility for the implementation of policy and procedures for a specific area of health and safety legislation. There is a single Gas DAP for the University:-

  1. To ensure day to day compliance in regard to Gas Safety.
  2. To review as necessary the university management plan.
  3. To assist and offer advice in regard to Gas Safety across all areas of the University.
  4. Ensures the Gas Appliance Asset Register is accurate.

Authorised Person

A person, either employed by the University or another organisation possessing proficient technical knowledge and having received appropriate training, appointed by the Duty Authorised Person in writing to take responsibility for the Implementation of the policy and procedures as specified of a specific area of H&S legislation.

No school or professional service other than FM shall carry out any works on any certified gas installation.

Competent Person

The operative / individuals, either employed by the University or another organisation, recognised by the Authorised Person as having the competence to undertake the task and follow the relevant process/procedure.

Responsibilities of Schools/Professional Services


At all times the Schools must comply with the 91桃色视频 Management of Gas Safety Policy. Schools will not be expected to manage any Certified Gas works, although it is permissible to purchase a gas appliance and fit to an approved fitting e.g. a cooker with a bayonet fitting but would exclude threaded fittings that require greater competency to avoid leaks etc. It is also permissible for the school or professional service to co-ordinate maintenance of gas appliances.

The Schools though should have an understanding of regulations that relate to Gas Safety. Any appliance procured or removed by any school or professional service is required to be registered on the 91桃色视频 gas asset register referenced in section 3.4 below.

If agreed with E&FM, any school or professional service may co-ordinate maintenance of gas assets. In such cases, this will include responsibility for the production, retention and audit of records produced from such visits.

Duties of Deans of Schools/ Directors of Professional Services

To ensure any gas appliance is added to the latest 91桃色视频 gas asset register.

To ensure that any gas appliance is properly operated and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and staff or students are suitably trained to have sufficient knowledge to do this.

Any gas appliance is maintained in accordance with current legislation and regulations.

Control of Contractors

Any gas related work is the responsibility of the FM Project Manager. It is the responsibility of Directors of Professional Services and Deans of Schools to contact the FM Project Manager if they have any concerns over the performance of the gas contractor working in their area. Any contractor employed by any school or professional service must fully comply with the requirements of this policy.

Contractors' Health and Safety Induction

Contractors working at the University must have received the University safety induction and hold a valid contractor’s pass before starting work.


It is the responsibility of deans and professional service managers to ensure staff are trained to use appliances in accordance with their design and manufacturer’s guidance. Staff must be aware and trained in how to respond to gas emergencies.

Estates & Facilities Management Responsibilities Overview

Estates and Facilities Management (E&FM) are responsible for the co-ordination and delivery of all works associated with gas installation and maintenance.

Estates and Facilities Management are responsible for the production and maintenance of associated information related to University wide gas assets, services and equipment. This will include the production of landlord gas safety certificates where required. By agreement, schools or departments may co-ordinate maintenance of their own assets.

As part of this service, E&FM are responsible for any person carrying out these duties, FM must ensure the technician is suitably qualified and currently registered with Gas Safe as being competent for the duty specified.

If unsure about any matter regarding the maintenance, operation or installation of a gas appliance or service please contact the 91桃色视频 Duty Authorised Person.

The FM Project Manager has the responsibility to manage the works and to review all documents including Risk Assessments, Method Statements and notifications.

Schools' Relationship to E&FM

Estates & Facilities Management organise all works that involve maintenance and modification of gas assets. Schools and tenants will operate these assets and must do so in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Summary of Responsibilities of Schools

  • Allocate the necessary resources, both in terms of time and financial re-sources to ensure gas safety is maintained within their area of occupation.
  • Provide the necessary information; instruction and training to enable staff to operate gas services and appliances in a safe manner.
  • Ensure that any matter brought to their attention with regard to Gas safety is given prompt and appropriate attention.
  • Allow access to equipment
  • Assist with monitoring of compliance status and performance.
  • Retain records for inspection of gas related work on asset they operate.
  • Liaise with the FM Project Manager to ensure all contractors engaged by the Department are adequately supervised and conduct their work in accordance with current legislation.


Should there be a requirement for any work on any live gas systems, they must be isolated in accordance with 91桃色视频 isolations procedures. Valves must be locked, labelled and registered with the local Facilities Management representative.


Leaseholders are independent bodies; as such they are fully responsible for the maintenance, operation and modification of any gas systems within their demise. Should the gas system derive from University premises, as a provided service, e.g. for space heating requirements, responsibility for maintenance, servicing and replacement of the system will remain with the University. Responsibility for maintenance of devices will remain with the lease holder.

Gas Asset List

The Facilities Information Team (FIT) shall be responsible for updating the gas asset register. It shall be the responsibility of all University Staff who may remove, replace or install new gas appliances to complete the ‘Asset Data Register Template’ or ‘Asset Movement/disposal notification form’.

It shall also be the responsibility of all FM staff responsible for having work carried out on gas appliances, to pass on copies of the gas safety check records and landlord certificates for any new or re-located gas appliances to FIT on completion of the work. This includes where existing appliances may have been re-tested or re-commissioned as part of the works.