Responsibilities of a Microsoft Team owner

Teams is designed to be the 鈥減lace where you do your work鈥. Everyone in a team can access, edit, and co-author the files. You can also add members external to the University to join and collaborate.

Teams include:

  • Text chat: for short, asynchronous messages
  • Files: to create, store, and share documents with others
  • Video and audio conferencing: for meetings

Note: The following guidance is for users creating and using a team outside of teaching delivery. Teams are automatically created for teaching purposes. For more information, please visit the Teaching and Learning web pages.

Maintain membership of the Team:

  • Adding or removing members to the group can be done within Teams from the ‘more options' (...) for each team. Ensuring appropriate access is granted based on the classification of the data contained within the group as per Information Governance Policy 3 – Information categories and controls.

Handling and processing of information:

  • Team owners should store, handle and process information in accordance with the Information Categories and Controls Policy ensuring that the appropriate level of security is applied to it which includes managing team membership, sharing information and reviewing Team access activities.

Regularly review external/guest access:

  • To ensure your University data remains secure, regularly review any guest access, removing any access that is no longer required.

Clear out old files regularly:

  • Team owners are required to maintain the contents of the teams they manage. If content is no longer of use, it should be deleted. If inappropriate files are found (e.g., personnel files, etc) the team owner(s) will contact the person concerned and remove such files. This is particularly important for Teams used by students who may only be transient users of the Team.

Additional information

Microsoft Teams information and guides 

Creating an MS Team