Training for researchers

The Library provides on-demand remote training and live (both in-person and online) training opportunities.

Our training offer spans four main areas:

  • Discovering information for your research
  • Managing information and data
  • Ethical scholarship
  • Publishing and research visibility. 

Scroll down to see these and click on the topics you are interested in to see what resources and training is available. 

Access our on-demand sessions at  LBA701 on Learn.

Doctoral Researchers and Research Staff can book our live sessions through the . Supporting materials for the live sessions are also on Research Central.

Discovering information for your research

Supporting materials on  are available in the Research Central (LBA701) module on Learn

Planning an effective search strategy

This on demand session outlines the current information landscape and will help you to turn your research question into an effective search strategy and statement that you can put into practice in Conducting your search.

On Demand

Conducting your search

In this second session you will use advanced search techniques to develop and refine your search. 

Live online

In person


Effective literature searching

‌This interactive tutorial contains essential information for new doctoral researchers with quick links to get you started searching and guidance how to overcome common problems.  It also explains how to set up alerts so you can keep up-to-date with research published in your area. 

On Demand

Planning your systematic review

This course covers the major elements important in effectively planning your systematic review. We will start by determining what a systematic review is and explore some of the most common types of review before investigating the key elements that will aid your preparation for a full systematic review.

On Demand

Finding evidence for your systematic review

This workshop gives participants the opportunity to evaluate search strategies and conduct an advanced search in a database within the context of a systematic review, resulting in confidence to conduct a comprehensive search.

Live Online

In Person

Additional sources

Additional sources has useful resources for STEM and AHSS disciplines, information on searching for grey literature, primary sources, datasets and using open platforms as well as a list of literature mapping tools.

On Demand


Keeping up-to-date

Keeping up-to-date demonstrates how you can set alerts within databases and on publishers' sites with information on current awareness tools.

On Demand

Evaluating your results

Evaluating your results outlines some frameworks that can be used as prompts when weighing up the value of the resources you have found.

On Demand

Managing information and data

Supporting materials on  are available in the Research Central (LBA701) module on Learn

M鈥宎naging information

M‌anaging information includes guidance on managing your searches, using reference management software and working efficiently on your computer.

On Demand

鈥孧anaging and sharing research data

‌Research data management (RDM) looks a what research data is and how it can be stored, shared and preserved.  It covers the benefits and drivers for RDM.

On Demand

Ethical scholarship

Supporting materials on  are available in the Research Central (LBA701) module on Learn

Using information ethically and with integrity

This session introduces academic and research integrity and the skills which enable you to work with integrity. It examines the challenges that may arise together with the causes and consequences of failing to work with integrity.

On Demand

Copyright insights for early career researchers

This session will examine the importance of copyright when producing your thesis and publishing research outputs. It will also cover how and when to seek copyright permission and the types of copyright issues you may face when publishing. We will also look at AI use and copyright issues. 

Live Online

Publishing and research visibility

Supporting materials on  are available in the Research Central (LBA701) module on Learn

Creating a publication strategy

Creating a publication strategy will help you to develop an appropriate publication strategy for raising your profile within your own research.

Live Online

In person

Open access: the essentials

Open access: the essentials explains what open access is and how it impacts on your research practice and dissemination

On Demand