Project Board Updates

Regular updates from Project Enable's Programme Board will be available here. The Board meetings every 8 weeks, with updates published soon after.

23 January 2024

23 January 2024

The board noted the workstreams updates and discussed the closure reports submitted for closing workstreams. Regarding the paperwork for the university meetings workstream, the board were satisfied that improvements in formal committees had been made but that there was outstanding work to improve the quality of papers for more informal meetings. Members were satisfied that handing this responsibility to the business-as-usual improvement activity would resolve this.

Members noted the progress tracker, recognising the project overheads (0.7 FTE) and that progress had exceeded 3000 days saved, or the equivalent of 30 FTE.

The board received a paper outlining activity conducted to date on developing the vision and direction of travel for Phase Three of the project.

It was recognised that training on how to complete our processes, procedures, and activity could be a core driver of effective working.

Members agreed that Phase 2 of the project, whilst successful, was not a sustainable model to consider for Phase 3 and that the project board was structured at the wrong level to provide effective oversight and add value.

Going forward, work to drive effectiveness would report to the Strategic Portfolio and Resourcing Committee (SPaRC) and have a focus on process improvement and the supporting training/guidance related to this.

The Project Manager was asked to develop a closure report for Phase 2 and draft a comprehensive handover plan for how outstanding workstreams could be handed over. This would provide a gateway for a re-design of how the Strategic Portfolio maintains a vehicle for work on realising efficiency savings

Members noted the risk and issue register.

2 October 2023

2 October 2023

October’s Programme Board meeting was the first for James Badger as he took on the project following Matt Youngs’ departure from the University. 

The Board first received an overview of the workstreams, noting the procurement workstream, ‘How we buy’ had completed its activity, realising 600 days saved. This was 100 days over the original estimate and was deemed a prudent one, suggesting there might be greater benefits yet. 

Several workstreams were reaching the deadline for completion agreed by the board and fortunately, they had all completed or were due to complete their activity within the timeframe. Therefore, the board requested they begin closure activities and will formally close these workstreams at the next meeting in January 2024. Two workstreams related to governance activity would also close so they didn’t duplicate efforts with the upcoming governance reviews. 

The workstreams mandated to close were: 

  • Assessment and feedback 
  • Ethics request approval 
  • Paperwork for University meetings 
  • University meetings 
  • Operations Committee 
  • Procurement 
  • CPS charging process 

As the Project’s official lifecycle saw the project due to close at the end of the calendar year, the project board discussed potential options for the next phase of activity. The Board agreed not to close the project but requested the Project Director and Manager develop a recommended Phase 3 structure in time for the next meeting. 

17 July 2023

17 July 2023

July’s Programme Board meeting was the final for Matt Youngs as Project Manager. From September, he will be replaced by James Badger, who is moving into the Change Team on placement under the Graduate Management Trainee Scheme.

At this Board, the Project Manager provided updates on the progress to date, with over 2,700 working days equivalent of benefits having been realised, in time for the start of the 2023/24 academic year. In line with the creation of the new Project Management Office in Organisational Development, new documentation and workstream tracking was presented to the Board, enabling them to have a more effective strategic overview of the progress of the project.

The Board also received an update from John Houghton, Organisational Development and Change Advisor, on the progress that has been made as part of efforts to evaluate the potential of AI at the University. A mock-up of an AI chat function was presented that was able to answer questions related to information about the university. The Board recognised the benefit of this to Student Services and Academic Registry colleagues in particular.

James Badger, workstream lead for Archibus, presented progress to date of the end-user review. This included feedback on the various stakeholder conversations that had taken place, and how this had translated into a detailed, end-user flow diagram. The Board were informed of the intention to conduct a trial in AACME of a proposed new approach, with feedback collected at the end of the trial period before a wider rollout.

Updates to the risk register were noted before Prof. Lisanne Gibson, who is due to depart the University in August, was thanked for her time as a member of the Programme Board. Her replacement as a representative from the Deans will be confirmed in due course.

21 March 2023

21 March 2023

The Board received an update from the new Project Manager (Matt Youngs) on the progress made since the last Programme Board meeting in January. As of March, 2,024 working days equivalent of savings had been realised or would be realised from the start of the 2023/24 academic year.

The Board were also updated on work that had already been taking place across the institution but that had become aligned under the banner of Project Enable. This included a review of the ethics approval process, contract triaging in the Research & Innovation Office, and the semi-automation of the annual TRAC return undertaken by all academic schools. Together with three additional workstreams that were approved to go live by the Board, this took the total number of active workstreams in Project Enable to 18. The three new workstreams approved by the Board were:

  1. Module Update Alignment: Aims to remove adverse system conditions that currently make the University teaching timetable creation process unnecessarily complex and labour intensive for colleagues in Registry and the Academy.
  2. Reasonable Adjustments: Intends to conduct a post-pandemic review of the Change Project that considered the reasonable adjustments process in 2018. This workstream will focus on the information provided to module leaders and associated school staff from the Student Wellbeing Inclusivity Team in Student Services, as well as Registry.
  3. Archibus: Will conduct an end-user process review of the Archibus reactive maintenance system, using the Vanguard change methodology, to identify process inefficiencies and failures. The accessibility and transparency of the reporting system and the communication with end users and contractors will be in scope.

In addition to approving three new workstreams to go live, the Board also received a presentation from John Houghton (Organisational Development and Change Adviser) on the potential of artificial intelligence at 91桃色视频. The Board discussed how AI could be most effectively used by staff to further the institution’s strategy, as well as improving the efficiency of process, aligning closely with the aims of Project Enable. To further this work, the Board endorsed John linking up with academic colleagues in the School of Science’s Computer Science department, Registry’s Information Governance team, and IT Services. It was agreed that another progress update would be provided to the Board in July.

25 January 2023

25 January 2023

As of January 2023, Project Enable is transitioning from Phase 2 to Phase 3 of the project and has 13 active workstreams. These are split into two broad categories – Culture & Behaviour and Process Improvement – with a mix of short-, medium-, and long-term workstreams.

The active workstreams and their aims are as follows:

Process Improvement

  • Assessment and Feedback: Reduce the amount of time and burden involved for academic colleagues marking student assessment, providing/responding to feedback, and to improve the NSS score in relation to assessment and feedback.
  • Ethics Approval Process: Transition to a risk-based approval process, giving authority and accountability to staff who have sufficient knowledge to approve applications at low, medium, and high risk levels.
  • Operations Committee: Critically reflect on the role and remit of Operations Committee, including consistency and transparency of decision-making and devolved autonomy.
  • PhD Admissions: Using the School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering as a pilot, review the existing PhD admissions process to ensure both candidates and staff are able to clearly view the admissions pathway, with efficient correspondence, and an awareness for candidates of their application’s ‘status’.
  • Procurement: Introduce a new ‘intelligently’ adaptive online form for procurement, where the detail of information required is reflective of the risk. It should be accessible and useable for a lay person and reduce the administrative burden for the Finance department.
  • Part-time Staff Annual Leave Allocation: Create a new tool to calculate part-time staff annual leave allocations, with the view to replacing the current method of calculating leave on an ad-hoc manner, inefficiently, and without clear consistency.
  • Placements: Allow staff and students to conduct placement progress meetings online. Post-placement meetings will be delivered in a format mindful of workload for both students and staff.
  • Fieldwork Risk Assessments: Create a new, ‘intelligently’ adaptive online form for risk assessments in advance of fieldwork being undertaken. This will replace the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach currently used.
  • Creative & Print Service Charging Costs: Eliminate the need for back-and-forth exchanges via email regarding charge codes for jobs where ink and paper costs are minimal. Automatic charging will be utilised as an effective method of realising this change.
  • Apprenticeships: Seek to reduce the high time- and resource- intensive nature of delivering the APA Apprenticeship Programme. This will include a review of the merits of adopting PGCert as an alternative.

Culture & Behaviour

  • Internal Communications and Emails: In light of the dynamic working practices adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic, review our approach to email and digital communication with the desire to reduce the volume of emails, and improve their etiquette. The driving force behind this will be a desire to move to ‘compassionate inboxes’.
  • Paperwork for University Meetings: In line with the Council Effectiveness Review, cascade recommendations to other university committees and meetings. This includes critically reviewing the size of paper packs and conciseness of papers that are submitted.
  • University Meetings: Conduct a review of the memberships of university meetings, with the aim of reducing the amount of time colleagues spending in meetings; broadening their diversity; avoiding duplicate memberships; and improving the inclusivity and transparency of meetings.

In due course, we hope that a dedicated ‘workstream tracker’ will be launched on the Project Enable webpages, to improve the transparency of the project and allow colleagues to track progress made on workstreams of interest.

Finally, January 2023 marked the final month for Jenna Townend working on both Project Enable and at 91桃色视频. She moves to pastures new in February at Derby University, as Principal Adviser to the Vice-Chancellor. Matt Young will remain on Project Enable, and steps up to become Project Manager.

15 November 2022

15 November 2022

Thinking Like a Designer Workshop

On Tuesday 13th September, colleagues drawn from across the teams of our six Strategic Projects took part in a workshop facilitated by Warren Bramley, a Visiting Fellow in the School of Business and Economics.  

The all-day workshop explored design theory and practice, drawing on Warren’s experience as a strategic designer, as well as his time leading a design studio. A law graduate, Warren’s career in the creative industry started when he worked for the Factory Records, alongside bands including Joy Division and New Order. From here, Warren founded a design innovation studio – four23 – based first in Manchester, and later London. His work in research-led strategic design, alongside institutions including Somerset House and Medicine San Frontiers, led him to study an MA in Global Political Economy at the University of Sheffield. Now based at 91桃色视频, Warren has continued his work in social enterprise, co-founding the Coloral Cycle Company, and chairing the community arts organisation, Creative Scene. Find out more about Warren’s work on his website: .  

The first half of the day considered perspectives on design and how adjusting the lens through which design is viewed can influence outcomes and aims for a wide range of sectors and organisations. Simple techniques include reframing questions and challenging whether the question being asked is the one to be asking. This evolved into the notion of co-design: using creative and participatory methods to engage with stakeholders and ensure input is acquired as equitably as possible. This was facilitated through a series of activities including concept development, iteration of ideas, and novel uses for cardboard boxes and facilitators! 

After lunch, we considered the Design Futures method which seeks to develop a prospective and systematic exploration of transformative change. An important consideration here is the timeframes through which change is being considered, ensuring that journeys to an endpoint are valued, rather than simply aiming for a future achievement. In the workshop, this manifested through groups exploring what a Higher Education sector of the future – more than 10 years from now – might look like, and what would be the trends and factors that appealed to the needs of current employees and students. A fun element of competition was introduced with the groups judging one another on plausibility, the methodology employed, and how engaging a pitch was. 

Though diverse in their remit, each of the teams delivering the University’s Enabling Programme of projects agreed they will benefit from this new perspective on how to approach design and change, ensuring that all stakeholders are considered equitably, that sufficient time is given to the articulation of the problem, research, and the generation of ideas, and ensuring that future-thinking is embedded within the process.  

The feedback collected by attendees at the end of the day suggested there are numerous learnings that colleagues would like to embed into both their departments, as well as the wider institution. 

"I wish more teams could come together to define a concept."

"What if we all thought a little bit more about the future?"

"What if we added more team building days?"

"I wish I had a toolkit to take home"

"What if we took time in meetings to 'define' things?"

"I wish I could identify more opportunities to use tools in my role"

The overall theme of the workshop prompted a number of key takeaways, that colleagues hope to embed into their working practice and the overall culture of the university’s approach to project delivery. Takeaways included properly framing questions and challenges to address, before defining their solutions. This is important in ensuring outcomes are cognisant of all individuals’ needs. Properly framing the question or challenge helps inform the sense-making stage of a project’s lifespan, including not being afraid to consider thoughts and ideas beyond the original intention of the project.   

We are grateful to Warren for giving up his time to lead this workshop, and we look forward to implementing the lessons learnt in our work going forward.  

18 October 2022

18 October 2022

In June, the Programme Board determined the second phase of its workstreams(see June update), and began work to finalise their scope and success measures. The team are pleased to be able to share a selection of exciting updates relating to some of these workstreams. A number of these updates were also shared by the Vice-Chancellor, as Project Enable's sponsor, as part of a wider update on our strategy at the September meeting of Senate.

Processes and systems

Operations Committee and related processes
Changes are being made in 2022/23 to the approval process for all staffing budgets, increasing the authority of leaders and budget-holders, and leading to faster decisions.

Ethics approval processes
From October, Phase 1 of this workstream will be implemented across Schools (alongside training), whereby ethics applications made by undergraduate and postgraduate taught students which are classified as low risk will be signed off by the supervisor without further review. This will remove over 1500 additional checks from the process each year, saving time and resource.

Fieldwork risk assessment processes
Policy documentation has been revised to ensure a risk-based approach is taken to its implementation. The current, paper-based form is being replaced by an intuitive electronic form that will ensure colleagues only need to complete the questions relevant to the fieldwork they are undertaking. Once complete, this is estimated to save each colleague (over 250 across the institution) who uses it at least 2 hours per trip undertaken.

Culture, behaviour, and ways of working

Use of internal communications and email
The purpose of this piece of work is to explore opportunities to reduce noise in internal communications and email, as well as to enable us all as colleagues within the organisation to critically reflect on how we can use electronic communication methods most effectively. The team are about to launch a series of focus groups with a range of academic and Professional Services colleagues to better understand how needs and approaches to email and internal communications differ between teams and areas of the organisation.

Paperwork for University meetings
Linked to the outcomes of the Council Effectiveness Review completed in 2021, work is advanced with committee secretaries and chairs to agree the changes required (both practical and cultural) to enable a consistent approach to papers and meeting packs that are concise, focused and clear, and which enable effective and timely decision-making. The team leading this workstream are also developing training, for launch in early 2023, that will be available to any colleague engaged in writing papers, reports or briefings for our committees, project management boards, forums, etc.

Colleagues who have additional things – such as a process they think we could stop doing or do differently – that they would like to bring to the project’s attention are very welcome to do so, and can contact the team via our ‘Get involved’ page.

13 June 2022

13 June 2022

The Programme Board for Project Enable recently determined its Phase 2 workstreams via a prioritisation exercise that brought together the data and information gathered during Phase 1, which resulted in a list of 77 potential items that could be looked at within the project, and assessed the impact, effort, and visibility of each. The Board have also endeavoured to ensure that there is a balance across the size, beneficiaries, and visibility of each of the workstreams. The seven workstreams are:

Processes and systems

  • *Assessment of our taught students (over-assessment, design, delivery, feedback)
  • *Risk assessment and fieldwork risk assessment processes
  • Process for allocating annual leave for part-time staff
  • *PGT processes, e.g. reassessment

Culture, behaviour, and ways of working

  • Ways of working: meetings (both large and small), calls and expectations around availability
  • Internal communications and email
  • *Paperwork for University meetings

Workstreams marked with an asterisk will be delivered by/in collaboration with an existing project. In parallel to the above, the below workstreams will be progressed by members of the Programme Board or in collaboration with another existing project, reporting to Project Enable:

  • Operations Committee and related processes/decision-making (DVC and Director of Planning)
  • Helping leaders to define and communicate our risk tolerance (Project Expectations)
  • Process review as part of the redesign of PDR (Project Enable and Project Expectations)
  • Ongoing challenges relating to module/programme updates (PRUAS, Academic Registry)

5 May 2022

5 May 2022

The Programme Board approved progression of two smaller pieces of work that will help to reduce burden and noise across a couple of smaller, but nonetheless significant, activities.

The first relates to us turning off automated notifications sent to managers via my.HR when a direct report registers for a development or training opportunity. Having explored this during Phase 1 of the project, managers determined that these updates were not helpful, since colleagues would either raise these opportunities during regular 1:1s and should be trusted to manage their own development/training choices.

The second relates to exploring how we can more effectively share voluntary team roles, such as fire marshals and first aiders, within buildings that are shared by multiple Services, rather than training individuals into these roles across each team within a building.