Disclosing information about another individual

If you have witnessed something that you feel needs to be reported, you can do so easily through the online reporting tool. This is an easy way to tell the university information about any incident, whether it's a specific or is ongoing.

How can the University support you?

The university reporting tool offers a safe way to report an incident. This can be done either anonymously or with your student ID. This does not have to be an incident that you are directly involved in.

The university takes all reports seriously and you will be able to monitor your report via the login with either your student number or reference number.

Support will always be available to you: 

    • If you feel you need support because the matter is affecting your health, including your mental health, you can access support from Student Wellbeing. You can do so via our .
    • If you have a disability, you should contact the Student Inclusivity for further advice and support. You can do so by emailing studentinclusion@lboro.ac.uk or phoning +44 (0)1509 222770

What to do next?

Report during the event:

If you see a direct violation of a university regulation you can report it to any authorised officer this can be the warden, security, librarian, or dean of the school.

You can contact Security directly on 01509 222141 or 0800 526966 (Freephone) 24hrs-a-day 7-days-a-week.

More information as to who the authorised officers are is available here.

Reporting after the event:

If there is something, you would like to report after the event this can be done in writing to the relevant authorised officer or via the online reporting tool.

Good faith reporting:

Providing this reporting is done in good faith, the University will view it positively and will seek to maintain the reporting student’s anonymity wherever possible and protect them from victimisation.

What should I do if I am worried about somebody else?

If you are worried about the way an incident is affecting someone you can use the reporting tool to notify student services of any welfare issues someone may be having.

More Resources

Last Updated: 22nd July 2022