Support Available in Your Hall

There is a wide range of support available for those in halls.

This includes the hall committees, the wardens and sub wardens, and hall management Team. These people are here to make sure you are happy with your time in halls and can be there when you need some additional support.

How can the University Support you?

Your hall committee are a group of student volunteers who live within the hall to offer opportunities and support to enhance your student life.

Each committee can help with: 

    • Socials including the planning of freshers week, hall balls and your hall day 
    • Volunteering and charity opportunities 
    • Dedicated welfare & inclusivity reps to offer support from other students and help you feel involved 
    • Organised inter-hall sport  
    • Point of call to get involved in societies  

Your hall management team are permanent staff that look after the hall during the working week and will help you with: 

    • Lost keys or key cards 
    • Room maintenance 
    • The running of the cleaning teams 
    • Room issues 

What to do next?

Prospective Students

If you are a prospective student, all halls will have hall pages set up on social media before you move in. Following these pages of joining Facebook groupsthis is the best way to keep track on the opportunities available. 

You will be meeting your warden team, the hall committee and the hall management team on move in day. If you have any questions you can speak to them when you move in. Alternatively, if you have any questions prior to moving in you can reach out to the hall committee by sending a message to the hall’s Instagram page.

Current Students

If you want to find out more about committees, go and speak to the current committee members with a chance to get involved yourself in November and February 

Or apply to be a fresher helper this is a great first step to become more involved within your hall and gives you a taster of what it is like to be on a hall committee.

If you are experiencing a problem with your room please make sure to email your hall team or go and see them for urgent issues from 9-5 Monday to Friday in your hall reception.

Your Hall Warden Team

You can also contact your hall warden team for support. Your Warden Team will make themselves known to you upon your arrival into hall.

Find out more about our Hall Wardens

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find my hall manager鈥檚 email?

This can be found on the meet the team page on the student accommodation website.

Where can I find out more information on hall committees?

This can be found on hall pages or directly through the .

Where can I find out who my warden team consists of?

You can find more information about your hall’s warden team can be found under your halls’ Hall of Residence page found here by clicking the ‘Hall Contacts’ option.

Last Updated: 13th September 2022