

  • - allows you to share food with other users in your area for free.
  • - shops/restaurants post unsold food to buy at a reduced price. Magic bags= random items/lucky dip.
  • - similar to Toogoodtogo but users can see exactly what food is on offer instead of lucky dip/magic bag idea.
  • - allows users to record what food they have in their house. They can view expiry and use-by dates on screen by scanning bar codes- with an emphasis (more than the similar ‘NoWaste app’) on how best before dates don’t mean you can’t eat the food.
  • - tons of recipes which are created from inputting the ingredients you have in the house (to use up your leftovers etc).
  • - they’ve compiled lots of information to provide you with ethical and sustainability brand ratings. Just search for your favourite brand to see how they score, and where their fall-downs are. Also, find ethical alternatives and read many articles that they’ve put together.


  • The Value of a Whale - On the illusions of Green Capitalism by Adrienne Buller. 
  • How bad are bananas?: The carbon footprint of everything by Mike Berners-Lee. 
  • There is no Planet B by Mike Berners-Lee 
  • Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things by William McDonough and Michael Braungart  
  • A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future by David Attenborough 
  • Climate Justice: A Man-Made Problem with a Feminist Solution by Mary Robinson 
  • Wear No Evil: How to Change the World with Your Wardrobe by Greta Eagan 


  • - a free video streaming website with documentaries and films on environmental issues.
  • - set in Rio de Janeiro to show the audience the daily life of those living near the waste build up here.
  • - this documentary demonstrates the power of community action in the context of locals taking power back from large energy companies. Produced by Patagonia clothing company.
  • - WaterBear’s new original feature documentary.


  • The Yikes Podcast - a general discussion about climate change solutions and human rights.
  • Mothers of Invention - a focus on feminist climate change solutions with input from women from across the globe.
  • The Climate Conscious Podcast - communication on environmental sustainability in the context of the Caribbean and Small Island Developing States.
  • Sustainababble - a weekly podcast aiming to simplify topics around sustainability and inject an element of humour into the conversation.


  • - a great UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy. You can even sign up to their daily, weekly, or monthly ‘Carbon Brief’ via email to receive all the latest news.
  • - Sustainability made simple, for everyone.
  • - They have lots of information on their website, as well as videos to be explored on YouTube.
  • - can you arrange foods in order of their carbon emissions? Have a go on this online game!

Online Learning

  • - This free learning portal is brought to you by the Open University. There are 1000’s of free courses on here. Why not check out the Nature and Environment ones!
  • Another online portal that offers a diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world. With future learn you can pay a small fee to gain certificates of completion. Check out their Nature and Environment section as well.
  • - Carbon Literacy is a 2-day accredited training scheme run by the Carbon Literacy Project (CLP) to embed sustainable behaviour changes within an organisation. The sustainability training improves staff awareness of the carbon costs and the impacts of their everyday activities. It also empowers individuals, communities, and organisations to be aware of how their actions can reduce emissions.
  • - The SDG academy curates free, open and educational resources from the world’s leading experts on sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • - The library has purchased this resource which has chapters, articles and teaching and learning resources for each of the 17 interlinked global goals. Any student or staff member can gain access when connected to the University’s VPN.
  • - There are lots of Sustainability and related courses here to check out, and you get a certificate/badge on your Linkedin profile afterwards too.

Reading List

  • The University Library has compiled material covering a range of topics associated with Climate Change and Net Zero (CCNZ) to support staff and students to deepen their understanding and knowledge.