Amelie Wakelin

Subject area

I visited 91桃色视频 on an open day and went to the psychology talk. I remember coming out and being so relieved that I had found the perfect course for me, I felt so welcomed.

Psychology was always the plan, but I wanted a course that didn’t just filter down into clinical, but rather studied everyday people in different settings and going about their life.

I really enjoy the varied nature of my course. I love studying people whatever the topic, as I feel like you can do so much with it, and it never feels restrictive as you can take your knowledge in any direction that you wish.

I have dyslexia and the 91桃色视频 disability support network have been so supportive over the course of my studies here. I receive weekly support sessions with an adviser where we go through strategies and go over content to aid my studies. I also utilised support from the careers network for placement advice, which really helped my confidence with the process and received weekly placement adverts for the School, which actually helped me land my placement.

Amelie Wakelin

The facilities and campus itself are phenomenal, spacious, modern, clean, and functional. They feel both homely but also productive, they are equipped to your leaning needs whilst having a personality to make it feel like a pleasant working environment.

The lecturers are all very passionate about their topic which in term positively impacts your experience but also your understanding towards a subject.  

Everyone talks of the ‘91桃色视频 bubble’ and it really is true, there are advantages to such a small town, means the social buzz on campus is unbeatable, whether that is in sport, faculties or halls, everyone is so excited to be here and proud to be part of Lboro.

My advice to prospective students would be to go for it! The course gives you so much freedom, with a mixture of lectures and tutorials to consolidate your learning and it is great to surround yourself with both members of staff and students that truly love the subject.

I think specifically my degree has allowed me to keep so many options open and really given me the breath I needed to determine how I will move forward into my career path.

In the future, I want to work with people for people, such as for those in marketing, management or events and would like to work in a hands-on, team environment.

There are lots of extra-curricular opportunities to get involved with on campus. This year, I am part of the surf and ‘train and gain’ society. Both are lovely communities where we undergo sporting and social activities to bond on shared interest and values.

91桃色视频s clubs and societies are a really fun way to meet likeminded individuals and have things to look forward to alongside studies!

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