Dr Guy Tallentire

PhD (91桃色视频)

Pronouns: He/him
  • University Teacher in Geographical Information Systems
  • Deputy Admissions Tutor (GYE)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Certified Carbon Literate


  • 2018-2023: PhD Geography - 91桃色视频
  • 2017-2018: MSc (Res) Polar and Alpine Change - University of Sheffield
  • 2014-2017: BSc Geography - University of Sheffield


  • 2017: Hart Prize Winner in Geography, University of Sheffield

Guy's current research is focussed on the Arctic, a region which is warming up to six times faster than anywhere else on the planet. Its glaciers are melting and retreating, contributing to global sea level rise and rapidly changing the hydrology and ecology of the region. Guy is particularly interested in the meltwater and sediment that drains from glaciated basins in the Svalbard region during the melt season, undertaking both fieldwork and remote sensing studies. 

Guy teaches broadly across physical geography, in particular modules that include Geographical Information Systems, remote sensing and quantitative methods. 

  • Tallentire, G.D., Shiggins, C.J., Rawlins, L.D., Evans, J. and Hodgkins, R., 2023. Observing relationships between sediment-laden meltwater plumes, glacial runoff and a retreating terminus at Blomstrandbreen, Svalbard. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44(13), pp.3972-3992.
  • Kavan, J., Tallentire, G.D., Demidionov, M., Dudek, J. and Strzelecki, M.C., 2022. Fifty Years of Tidewater Glacier Surface Elevation and Retreat Dynamics along the South-East Coast of Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago). Remote Sensing, 14(2), p.354.
  • Kavan, J., Wieczorek, I., Tallentire, G.D., Demidionov, M., Uher, J. and Strzelecki, M.C., 2022. Estimating Suspended Sediment Fluxes from the Largest Glacial Lake in Svalbard to Fjord System Using Sentinel-2 Data: Trebrevatnet Case Study. Water, 14(12), p.1840.
  • Swift, D.A., Tallentire, G.D., Farinotti, D., Cook, S.J., Higson, W.J. and Bryant, R.G., 2021. The hydrology of glacier鈥恇ed overdeepenings: sediment transport mechanics, drainage system morphology, and geomorphological implications. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(11), pp.2264-2278.
  • Fisher, B.J., Shiggins, C.J., Naylor, A.W., Rawlins, L.D., Tallentire, G.D., van den Heuvel, F., Poku, C., García-Ibáñez, M.I., Debyser, M. and Buckingham, J., 2021. Interventions to prevent pandemic-driven diversity loss. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), pp.1-4.